Special Abilities of Genders


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Hello Communitry :)

İ was playing TLD since many month and i decided to post my ideas that may help.

First of all; When we are choosing to gender,we need to think about it.Which one we need to choose?Which one would be better in the wild life?

My suggestion is that; options can have some abilites.

Woman: ''+1'' or ''+2'' warm and wind bonuses,Good at in repairing clothes.Good at in cooking.Not that good at in ''fatique''

Adult: Have more capacity to cary something.Good at in repairing items(specially mechanic).Not that good at in ''Thirsty''

Young guy: Can run faster than others.Good at in Fishing.Have more effective ''Fatique''Not that good at in keeping his body warm.

İF this topic was already opened before,i'm sory about this.

Sory about my english.

Maybe someone can add something more than me.

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