Eating Halves


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Certain foods, like military MRE, are packed with so many calories that it would make more sense to eat only part of it and leave the rest for later. I would like the option to eat one half or select the amount of calories to consume. Maybe the way certain items have the "harvest" option, certain foods can have the "cut in half" option

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So far as I know, if you eat anything that has more calories than your max, you will eat enough of it to get to your maximum calories, and then you'll save the rest for later. It will continue to appear in your inventory, but show less calories and less weight. This way, you could continue to eat it later.

I've used this tactic several times with MREs in particular, because, like you said, they are packed with a ton of calories.

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I used to do that too :)

now i just let my condition drop by not eating anything for a day or two. i have then 0 calories in my body and so i am forced to eat all 1750 calories at once while i probably need just 500 calories to replenish my condition to a 100%. it could also be useful for venison. being able to portion the food more efficiently may really add a unique survival feel to the game.

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