Gaining feats while in Custom


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I realise this is not an issue for most oldtimers, as the feats have been gained already. However for the new players, that have started to get an idea on how to adjust the game, this would be very helpful, or for players that changed platform.

I'm not sure why this feature was removed in the first place, but the ability of tuning the game so that it fits your playstyle is one of the jewels in the TLD crown. Unfortunately, at the moment, you cannot gain feats while in Custom mode, even if that mode you choose is more difficult than many of the set difficulties.

It would be helpful for players that are starting out or intermediate, or players that have changed platform, if this restriction was lifted. For my part, I knew I couldn't wait for the DLC, so while I normally play on Xbox/PC, I bought the game afresh on steam. I mostly play "Gunloper", but I usually have a run going in all difficulties, it would have been helpful if I could gain feats while playing Gunloper. It was obviously not a gamestopper, just an inconvenience.

Still, such a change would empower the Custom mode, which for me, is one of the really nice things with TLD.


Edited by Jotunheim
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Agree. Custom is a real strength of TLD, the fine-tuning of the experience is second-to-none and makes the game so replayable.
Adding feats would really make all game modes equal, blurring the distinction between custom modes and 'real' modes.

For me, custom is the perfect TLD experience - making it perfect for an individual player is the whole purpose of custom! - the only thing that's lacking is gaining feats.

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