Clothing protection should reduce the chance of getting negative affliction.


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I consider myself new to this game. I play around 100 hours (60 hours in story mode)
Currently, I'm playing on Stalker and I'm dealing with many wolves at Timberwolf mountain.
I'm running out of bandages soon and I don't want to go back and forth between regions just to get bandages or cloths.
I thought ok... I will craft more protection cloths... so I searched on wiki to find out which clothing offers the most protection then I found on wiki that the protection does nothing against affliction. Really?
What is the point of clothing protection if it does not help reduce the chance of getting blood loss, broken rib or etc?

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Tear up some clothing that you find in the cargo containers. That's the only advice I have other than to head to another region in search of cloth or expendable clothing items.

The point of clothing protection is to reduce the damage you personally take during the struggle, and also how resilient the clothing item is to damage from an attack or struggle. It also helps protect you if you happen to fall off a cliff by accident or get a burn from electrically charged wires or campfires.

Also, I've found using the bow is pretty good at wolf-killing since you can walk backward while aiming and it gives you a bit more time to zero in on them.

Edited by wilsonaka
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