TFTFT - A Voyager's Log

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Days 56-57

In the morning I build a fire inside the shed beside the cabin and boil several litres of water. In the past I've tossed the water purification tablets into the trash, but today I clue into their value. When you don't have a stove and the wind is always hunting you... you can't take a leisurely time at the fire. The tablets let me boil twice the amount of water than usual.

Afterwards, the wind has calmed down, so I trek back to the wolf that I had killed when first arriving on this small island. Its frozen body there, unharvested, fills me with shame. I build a quick fire and harvest as much as I can from the animal. I won't let this go to waste. I wonder if my guilt is a sign that I haven't completely lost it. I do the same with a deer carcass I find nearby.

I also find some birch saplings which I chop down. This island is a haven for archers!

I decide to make my stay at this cabin into a bit of a holiday. The bit of wolf and deer meat I've collected inspires me to fill a pantry with food and kind of 'relax' for a while. So I head to the fishing hut I passed by earlier with a backpack full of firewood. I light a cozy fire in the potbelly stove and set to fishing. The activity is relaxing and a bit hypnotic. I catch and cook at the same time, eating as I go. It's a fun activity and a challenge to remember to stop fishing in time to prevent the meat from burning.

When my firewood finally runs out, I'm exhausted. I look up to realize that it's the middle of the night and a raging blizzard has turned the world into a sheet of white. Three steps out of the fishing hut and I'm totally blind. I stumble back into the hut and the chill realization pours down my spine. I can't make it back to the cabin in this blizzard. And I'll soon be out of wood to burn to keep warm.

In a desperate move I put my last sticks and my 'emergency coal' into the stove, drop my bedroll and force my nerves to calm down. I sleep for 3 hours and wake with the fire out and my body temperature starting to cool. I turn around holding my breath and am relieved to see that the blizzard has calmed to a heavy snowfall and the sun is just beginning to rise. Just enough that I can make out the shape of the land and trees. I string the fish onto my pack - damn I stink - and stumble back to the cabin. I drop everything on the porch and stumble into bed. My sleep schedule has been totally inverted, so I try to sleep just for a few hours.

When I wake up it's to bright sunlight and a gentle snowfall like fairies in the air. It's as if Great Bear is asking "What blizzard?"

My 'vacation' is off to a great start!


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Days 58-60

The next day I collect rocks, cattail heads and charcoal then drop them in a line from the cabin to the fishing hut. I won't get lost in the fog now. Later I chop up a bunch of barrels around the cabin for firewood. I'm preparing for another fishing run. That evening I find a map of the area in a cupboard and see there's another fishing hut across the lake and then possibly another cabin beyond that. It seems to be the far corner of the airfield region. Instantly my mind turns to exploring there. I'm beginning to turn my thoughts to a new long-term goal. If I can't find people here, then I need to stay alive until someone finds me. And I need to know as much about Great Bear as I can.

In the morning the weather is as nice as it gets here. I head out, climbing down to the docks nearby and spot the fishing cabin. A pack of wolves is between it and me. I shoot my revolver into the air hoping to scare them off, but the wolves are hearty here and they only run a short distance then turn back to me. All four start closing in, and I shoot the leader who drops instantly. The other three scatter and I sprint to the fishing hut. Unfortunately it also lacks a door. I find a fishing hook and some matches, and a granola bar but not much else. Disappointing. I'm hoping for more notes from past residents.

Before the wolves can find me I head quickly to the shore. I have a vague idea of where I'm going and I find myself in rolling hills and trees. A chill goes up my spine and my hair stands on end when I realize I'm in bear territory. I bring my rifle to hand and keep my head on swivel. After a while I'm starting to wonder how far the hills go on, when I come across a road. Roads are good! A relief! Roads always lead to something good. Shelter hopefully. I follow the road to my left. Constantly expecting the cabin to appear over the next rise. But hours pass and nothing. This region is truly enormous. Eventually, as the weather starts to turn dangerous, I see a beautiful cabin. Two floors. When I get inside I recall my thoughts about how messy the houses are on the island, but this cabin is neat and tidy. The combat boots and pants tell me ex-military. Many paintings line the walls. It's homey and comfortable.

After a long rest I try to map and explore around. I find a good place to anchor a rope climb, but I have no rope. I still have the haunting feeling of being watched and I wonder if my instincts are telling me to stay alert.

The weather turns and stays stormy. I'm starting to wonder if coming to this remote corner of the airfield was a mistake. I might be stuck here.



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