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There is no capacity to drag anything in the survival mode game.  Being able to drag a carcass, a limb, a sled, etc. has been asked for since forever.  

It may be mentioned that in Story mode, episode 3, Astrid had the capacity to "carry" a survivor (without regard for the weight of the survivor) as a "mechanic" for dragging stuff, but that was (imo) a quest enabler in place of a game mechanic. 

Since The Long Dark originally was to be in story mode, a very limited period of time during winter, there would be no time for Will or Astrid to construct such a sled.  If episode 5 had a quest that required such a item, certainly something would be improvised for the purposes of the quest not for survival mode play.

Other than that, there really would be nothing wrong with sleds for carcasses, gear, wood, or (maybe) logs (though those would bring up different considerations), but implementation would always be the problem.  The sled would be the easy part.  How it would interact with the player and the environment would be the difficult part. 

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The implementation of a sled, which would include how it would be crafted, unless it was a one-off thing for some reason, would have been decided on by the devs.  The implementation would include their determination of how it would be used, how its use would affect the character, etc.  Of course, whether the sled was useful to the character would be a decision by the player. 

I would expect a sled, if implemented, would have some value to the character when in use, perhaps situationally, but probably not as much value as desired in the eyes of the player.  

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Yeah, sleds have been requested since forever. Personally, I'd rather see cross-country skis (if it was either/or). 😀


I'd like it (altho I don't think it's that feasible code-wise in this game) but I think the use case would mostly be for long/heavy hauls. (think: mid-to-late game moving of a base) Kind of like a cairn you can drag around. Nothing wrong with that, and I imagine gameplay can be balanced out. (slowness, calories/sleep, perhaps having to defend from ravaging wolves if food is packed on it, etc.) You would want it to have advantages over moving everything normally by going back & forth, but with a different cost to it. Time vs. energy I suppose.

Edited by Kranium
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