Wintermute before Redux


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Wanted to re-try the old Wintermute beginning, so I went back to Vigilant flame. I must say, after playing redux, the days in the ravine really do feel a bit too like a tutorial instead of the beginning of a story. So, great job, Hinterland! I also love the playable prologue, which was only added in redux. The graphics have also been subtly improved, something I didn't notice before. And god I hate that old-but-manual cooking system!

However there is one (1) thing I like better in the version before redux, and it is the longer walk to Milton. In redux you stumble into Milton right away after getting out of the ravine, but before you really had to travel there... through the cave and all... and because of that, it felt sooo rewarding to finally reach the town, and after seeing all those abandoned cars and frozen corpses, it really felt surprising to see that smoke coming from one of the chimneys...! (On the first play-through, of course, since I now know very well what to expect!)

But all in all, I'm not really missing the old build. And definitely NOT missing things like the trust mission for Grey Mother! 😁

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  • 4 years later...
Posted (edited)

I myself got very upset at this change when the redux version came out. I also miss going the long way through spruce falls rather than just walking 2 minutes to town. Doesn't really feel like you crash landed in the middle of nowhere.

Edited by TheCoolCario
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