Repair Buildings


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What if you could repair places like trapper's stead? Not like in minecraft but like in assassins creed (a list of possible repairs). You could repair the beat up shed to store wood and freezed meat. Maybe upgrade the cabbin. Same goes with other places. You could isolate the watchtower to get a sweet penthouse. This would of course require a LOT of work, so it's not too easy. And saunas. Saunas would be nice. And beer.

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+1 to having to do repairs or maintenance on a building. Structures in this kind of winter would take a pounding, and I like the idea of upgrading them with a smoker or other amenities.

This. Instead of downright upgrades and extensions I am all for minor, subtle repairs and maintenance. Fix broken windows and doors to eliminate wind in buildings and increase room insulation, heat loss... stuff like that.

It would be awesome if you had to maintain the stove once in a while so you wouldn't burn your house down. THAT would have an interesting impact on gameplay.

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It would also do a lot, apart from realism, to stave off the current game mode of hibernate and sleep. If you had to wake up and spend at least a few hours just making sure your base doesn't decay.

If maintenance is too difficult/expensive, that also rewards a nomadic play style. If player use and presence damages a building, only staying briefly in one place might be a more viable strategy.

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I would like the ability for small customizations on my home of choice. Especially anything that allows for better lighting - some of the best base locations are sooo dark inside. Maybe the option to light tiny kerosene lamps that provide less light and use much less fuel than the Storm Lantern and place one or two inside your base that can be fueled, lit and extinguished at will to provide some environmental lighting inside.

Or even just candles. The point is I want some stationary light sources to add to my base that are not quite so resource expensive as putting down a lit storm lantern for the duration.

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