Suggestion to fix broken 'sprain' mechanic


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So, I'm attempting a 24 hour summit climb on interloper and I suffer the obligatory 'sprained wrist' affliction just from walking across a very mildly sloped snow drift...

Whilst I strained my mind, forcing myself to believe I must have somehow lost my balance slightly, and put my hand out on the soft snow at a weird angle landing on it funny, I thought "terrific, this isn't part of my plan", but enjoying the addition to the challenge, I quickly adjust my schedule in my head, shifting things around to accommodate this. So with a quick check of the temperature and a glance in the sky, I decide to hunker down in a sheltered spot I notice in a small alcove nearby. Jammed snugly between a pair of large rocks, it's here I decide to make a fire to replenish my dwindling water supply. 

After drinking my fill and making a little for later, I check how my affliction is going... still 2 hours to go on it, "hrmm... that's strange", I didn't give it much thought aside from perhaps the activity of making/drinking water aggravated the sprain, so instead I throw some more wood on and passed time for 2 hours, and much to my surprise when I checked my affliction, it was still there requiring 2 hours 'rest'.

Sitting at the bottom of the rope, I know all too well this injured wrist is the death of me now, and whilst I thoroughly enjoy the often brutally punishing nature of this game, I cant help but think that I have somehow been robbed of an experience due to a crappy game mechanic.

tldr; rosehip/painkillers aside, why wont the sprained affliction heal when just passing time, but instead require a bed/sleeping roll/snow shelter. Given how invaluable time is, even just the act of forcing a player to pass time is a cruel punishment in its self, I don't see how its alternative of forcing only 'sleep' as a remedy is the best option. (which has the potential to restore more than passing time anyway)

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Also, just to outline how much I had to stretch my imagination to wrestle with the concept of a sprain I received, I can scale down into this valley in the picture below (starting from this point exactly)...


But I get a sprained ankle when traversing this valley below... 



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