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About Varlonec

  • Birthday 09/29/1981

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Wolfbait (1/4)



  1. Couldn't open the link you sent, same error. Blocked. I have attached the archive with preservation in the letter.
  2. I also suspect that my country is blocked.
  3. Have you fixed anything? I couldn't go through this piece for six months. Up to this point, episode 4 had been played 2 times. I'm uploading it now to make a video recording. And the door is open.
  4. Error on the page when trying to send "Report a Bug" The connection to the site cannot be established. ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
  5. Will there be a fix for this problem? I am ready to provide saves to fix the bug.
  6. I walk through the plot, and the door that should be open is closed. Uploaded the previous save, before entering the plot. It didn't help. The door is closed anyway. Help me solve the problem.