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Posts posted by alarik

  1. On 10/27/2023 at 2:29 AM, UpUpAway95 said:

    The game isn't really intended to be realistic.  The very premise that auroras drive the animals crazy is not realistic nor is the premise that auroras can suddenly power flashlight batteries that have been long dead.

    Realistically, the water pipes in the houses would have all frozen and burst.  Every soda can and any tin cans with anything liquid in them would have also frozen and ruptured. 

    Re-melting water every hour or so would be a big annoyance that would not add anything to the gameplay, IMO.  As would having animals steal every scrap of food left outdoors.

    Wolf fear is different at different difficulty settings and is also adjustable in the custom settings, as is their detection range.  Of course, the range covered by these sliders could be expanded to provide even harder settings if the player desires to use them.

    There are fantastic things like you are writting, and it is ok cause it has sense, but this game trys to be realisctic. Omg.. to hunt rabbits with stones so easy? The rabbits are not assholes, 1 rabbit will run away from you for minimum 100 meters when it see or listen you. Come on go out to field and look them.

    The left water on the snow, should be frozen. No the water that you take with you in your clothes. And the same with left food on the field with the wolfs.

    i play intrude mode always, and the wolfs run always when you atack them with one stone if they are eating other animal... always. So too much easy to steal food to the wolfs. 

  2. Hi, i am new here but a old player playing always in intrude mode with +2000 days.

    I have seen several mistakes agaisnt the realism in this game, and the company should change them.

    1) The rabbits are too much easy for hunt them. People, someone of this company have been in the field in their lifes? To hunt a rabbit with 1 stone is IMPOSSIBLE, the animal will run and a lot before you can be close to it. Delete that idiot option in the game cause that is not realistic.

    2) When a wolf hunts other animal, the wolf always run away if you threaten it with 1 weapon or 1 stone. It can be 1 option, but not always the same... to get food of this way is very easy... come on. The company should fix this changing it and setting other options (% chance wolf atack, % chance wolf run).

    3) When you are making fire and the air change the direcction and off the fire, you loose all the wood. This is not realistic, yes the fire can be off but come on.. the wood not burned should be here still!!

    4) the frozen food outside on the snow, should not break down so fast. Come on it is frozen!!. 

    5) The liquid water outside should be frozen again in a bit hours...

    6) the animals should can steal the food outside with out protecction.

    7) The wolfs could come back to the dead animals where they run previosly by your threat.

    8 You should can to drink cold liquid water or snow in the montain, and it is pure omg, yes it is cold and it will down your temperature.. but you can make this in emergency and not die by thirst.


    I know the company will kick my ass and my words, but well, here is my opinion.


    Goodbye from Spain.