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Posts posted by PorridgeBaron

  1. I'm glad if this is funny. The problem is real.

    Adjusting the monitor's brightness is not the answer. As far as I know, there are no other adjustments in the game.
    The caves are pitch black around the clock, and  the main thing is the power of campfires, torches and lanterns has weakened considerably.

    Mods are not answer .

  2. I think the darkness of Long Dark in the latest update has become even longer; the shadows are deeper outside and you can't do anything in the cabin without a lantern, even sunny highnoon. In practice, I almost always need extra light.

    I'm afraid I'll run out of matches and lamp oil even though I'm playing on the easiest setting.

    I'm a slow player and started just about a year ago and never completed  game with every area explored. Newer areas I don't  even have.

    Maybe I try to arrange the things outside the cabin?

    Is there anything in the settings that could help?

    Can I go to the pre-update version?

    Or can you ease a bit of this darkness, at least for Pilgrim players…

  3. I have had this problem after update to basic game …( ( have not bought latest part yet ). First removed tens of gigabytes files of my hard drive , so that I have now 220 Gt free space of 500 Gt.

    Before that removal I could play a bit over 1 h, after removal about 2 h.

    Now this force quit hit me last weeek again after playing over 2 hours. ( I play usually under 2 hours at a time).

    At good day I was able to play 2,5 h without notice…

    I have same symptoms : warning popup says TDL uses too much memory ( between 120 to 130 Gb ) forcing to quit the game.


    Does dahemac play with Mac, I do , and just wonder if this is a Mac problem only?

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