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Posts posted by LAPIII

  1. I think that since this is such a great game then XPA would receive better to players than to most things that you can add to the game. It even helped me get past a glitch on the Xbox. I stopped using XPA because syncing to the PC made me lose all my challenge badges and I think that only Wintermute and the challenge feats work. I like to recommend to people both XPA and TLD, but I can't help but warn them about the bugs.

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  2. The badges I had lost are the challenge badges. The challenge feats are the same on PC as on the Xbox, I had since this error uninstalled the PC version. Please tell me if you have trouble like this. If Wintermute and the challenge feats are the only things that sync.

    My operating system is a Windows 11.

  3. The feature works with Wintermute. It took away my badges on the console because I had opened the game on the PC. It's too bad that this feature doesn't work right for The Long Dark because I'll recommend the game and this feature. Possibly the game had better support for the feature in past versions.

  4. Rifle cartridges were hard to find, If there were enough altogether. Lantern oil was scarce so much that fishing to get oil from fish produces such little oil that it wouldn't help much.. I think there should be more of both in coastal Highway.

  5. There is a glitch where approaching the computers during an aurora it won't let you collect the memory. At the Milton post office, after approaching to and receding from the computer, it seemed like 15 seconds before I could reapproach it and could collect a memory. At the Forlorn Muskeg Maintenance Yard, approaching them did nothing nor re-approaching them. Perhaps I didn't wait long enough but my solution was to sleep for an hour and then do those.