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Posts posted by eatsleeper

  1. Thank you for the reply, it has now been 11 days since I contacted Hinterland Support, and have had NO contact from them. I have a game which is now useless to use, and no idea when it will be fixed. I have had the game since 2020, and it is outside Steam policy to refund the game after 14 days.

    I have now also paid for the DLC as well, and have none of that content. 

    It is inexcusable for Hinterland Games to take money for a product that doesn't work, and for Support to not respond. It is clear there is an issue with the game with OSX Mojave 10.14.6 and also with High Sierra.

    While I am willing to be patient, being given no updates, or timelines for when this will be fixed, can you arrange for a full refund for the game please, asap.

  2. Bought TFTFT DLC and updated the app on Steam for Mac. Started the game, and both TFTFT and Wintermute are greyed out, and say I have to download the content. I have checked, the content is installed on my computer and downloaded. Tried, uninstalling, rebooting, reinstalling, checking the DLC is ticked in Steam, all of it... and still although I have the content, it says I have to still download it.

    This is on OSX Mojave 10.14.6, I have seen others of Stream forum who have the same issue. Have reported it to Hinterland support, and all I have had back is that it may take some time for the content to download, so wait..... Well I have waited 4 days now, and it still doesn't work..... 

    Nothing more from Tech Support, is anyone else having the same problem, I only have 14 days to get a refund from Steam for the DLC, but I still wont have Wintermute, so making the whole game I have paid for useless.

    Why can't tech support actually respond quickly to get more info to help on this?

