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Posts posted by Luczhang1109

  1. 3 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    ...or even an ocarina, if we are talking about possibilities.


    Also... for those who might think, "what's the point?"
    Well, when humans get proficient in their survival tasks, and they are successful enough at it that basic needs are more-or-less covered... historically humans have also invested effort in finding (or inventing) things not related to hunting just for entertainment or perhaps even to sooth/ease the mental stresses of a hard life of survival.

    So, just from that perspective... sure, why not?  I wouldn't object to the addition of things like wood carving, playing a found or crafted instrument, or even "reading" non-skill books as additional means to "pass time."  After all, right now the game suggests (sound effects and all) that we have a pack of cards with us that we use to pass time... so sure, why not other things of the like? :D 


    Yes, entertainment can relieve a person's stress and make them feel that life is not so boring(Compared with direct killing time).

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  2. 5 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    I'm not sure about crafting a flute out of metal, but maybe one carved from a sapling or a branch? It would not be usable as a blunt weapon (too fragile) but could be something that can be used to fight off Cabin Fever (risk or the full affliction). Musical instruments have been asked for by some players for a while now, and a rustic carved wooden flute similar to those used by First Nations and Native American tribes for centuries would fit with the setting of the game, providing some immersion value and again, a possible way to deal with cabin fever or as an option for passing time.



    A new skill "Carving"- the flute or small statues (like one of the mods has). Maybe not in this game, but maybe for TLD 2?

    I agree, wooden flutes can be made with enough skill. Metal flutes are more durable and can be used as a weapon against wolves.

    and the wooden flutes made before professional metal flutes were discovered and copied were not very in tune.

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  3. A Westerm Concert Flute thats made out of metal and has no keys on middle joint. it has a standard flute headjoint, keyless body with 6 finger hole(But this will make it more difficult to play semitones) and standard C or B footjoint.

    it can be played as a instrument, or as a weapon for fighting against wolf. Playing the flute can attract animals to a certain extent, and the more you play, the higher chance you attract a deers and rabits, The less likely the animal (deers and rabits) to escape, the less chance you attract a wolfs or bears.

    .The flute is about 70 cm long, so it will cause more damaged to the wolf than using a Revolver. 

    .The keyless design is to prevent the flute from becoming damaged and unusable after a fight with a wolf.

    .Flute cleaning kits can be found and often come with flutes. it improves the condition of the flute.

    .The flute's effectiveness can also change based on the player's condition: the lower the player's fatigue level, the more effective the flute is,

            Flute cannot be played when suffering from Sprained Wrist.

    .The flute can also be used to kill time, but it will slightly speed up the decay of fatigue and increase the player's flute skills.

    .The flute can be found in all games except Interloper mode. It may spawn anywhere. Its spawn probability is similar to that of guns (Based on the game's disaster background, there aren't many people playing the flute.), but the probability of it appearing in a church is greater. (As an ensemble instrument with piano)

    .When the flute's condition reaches 0%, the flute cannot be used. Not cleaning up after playing, or fighting the wolf will degrade the condition of the flute.

    .Flute manuals and sheet music can be found. The manual helps improve the player's flute skills, while the sheet music allows the player to play more soothing (or upbeat) pieces. Playing soothing pieces can give you a greater advantage in attracting animals, while upbeat pieces has a certain probability of scaring away hostile animals(It's not as effective as a gun).

    .A wooden flute can be made by players, is the same system as a keyless metal flute but does not has a footjoint. Compared with metal flutes, it cannot be used as a weapon to fight wolves, and its durability is not as good as metal flutes if it is not well maintained.

    .The wooden flutes made before professional metal flutes were discovered and copied were not very in tune.

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  4. On 6/15/2023 at 9:34 AM, conanjaguar said:

    Good idea, but I always thought that the recurve bow was more-or-less exclusive to the Huns, Mongols, and other semi-nomadic steppe peoples throughout most of history… or is it the composite bow I’m thinking of?

    Native Americans used a variety of bows, sometimes composite bow.

  5. The Long Dark has considered adding new weapon variants, and it seems like The Long Dark won't be adding new calibers, but I think there is a possibility for one weapon to use both rifle ammo and revolver ammo (.38 Special/. 357 Magnum) that is the lever action rifle, I think it would be enough to just add one, as a hunting rifle variant.

    1, Winchester M1894: Is a rifle variant, but is rarer and harder to find than revolvers and hunting rifles, and it is not spawned in interloper mode (The Winchester 1894 was used again in World War II in the hands of the Canadian Pacific Coast Militia Rangers who were issued them to defend the west coast of Canada from Japanese invaders. So, it makes sense that it would be on Big Bear Island), but can fire revolver ammunition, it more lethal than a revolver but less than a hunting rifle, the recoil is smaller than a hunting rifle, and the ammo capacity is equal to that of hunting rifles (10 rounds), but the rate of fire is also twice that of hunting rifles, suitable for hunting small animals and self-defense. Although the Winchester M1894 was primarily used to fire the 30-30 Winchester, but it also had a .357 Magnum variant.

    2. Native Bow: is a unique recurve bow. It is made of wood and horn, stronger and more durable than a survival bow, Although it more powerful, but its draw speed is slower. It is the same as the Survival Bow and cannot be repaired. Native Bow will only spawn one, and will not be spawn in interloper mode. the bow will be spawn in a random cave or Mountaineer's Hut in Timberwolf Mountain.


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  6. On 2022/11/27 at PM2点25分, Omnijack said:


    I would suggest that if the player has a sufficient level of gunsmithing (say 5) to make a 6 round single action cap and ball revolver that fires black powder .375/454 balls. I think if it's professional enough let's make them look like 1851 Navy or 1858 Army & Navy.

  7. 21 hours ago, Lexilogo said:

    Hmmm... I think dual wielding revolvers gives more firepower and a faster rate of fire against wolves, which makes defense a whole lot better, I think if I fire 12 rounds in ten seconds, it will deter and kill the bear (if accurate enough). But this is a survival game after all, the player is just trying to survive as long as possible, this is obviously not the time to perform stunts, because it will not work on any animals, dual wielding revolvers plays a major role in self defense , but I think Spin the gun might not necessarily be such a good idea, as it will likely increase the time to holster the gun (or draw it).


  8. I saw that after the 2.03 update, The Long Dark added some hunting rifle variant

    I think dual wielding revolvers would be a nice addition, I suggestion dual wielding revolvers and a craftable and discoverable Speedloader are part of the Tales from the Far Territory DLC, and I think the Stripper clip for rifles should not be auto acquired, but needs to be discovered or crafted.

    I think the shooting animation of the revolver should be improved, because the current revolver firing mode does not seem to be different from the semi-automatic pistol. I suggest to pull the hammer before shooting(single action), or not to pull the hammer, but delay the shooting by 0.3 seconds(double action) , the cylinder turns one round each time the hammer moves backward.

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