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Posts posted by Paddyjack

  1. My latest stupid move is the following:  Goal is to trek to Desolation Point from TWM hut. So prep my gear, and there I go my merry way. Stopped at Molly's farm. Next day, stopped at Jackrabbit Island, sleeping on the bedroll next to the door for convenience. Morning is nice, remnant of an aurora so I decide to leave right away for DP. I go on my merry way, up the transition zone, up the mine..... and then realized I left the bedroll at Jackrabbit Island. Not dramatic because I can sleep on beds at the lighthouse and other places, but still.... so dumb. Thankfully I remembered there is often a bedroll at the church so I went there first, and yes, indeed, there was :)

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  2. On 1/26/2023 at 6:45 AM, Leeanda said:

    Lol. Only on pilgrim.😁.   

    You could've checked the stats page to see if it's dead..  that's what I do before traipsing around looking for him.

    This. I don't always think about it, but I like to check the stats before I shoot a bear, so that I know if he is dead later on.

  3. 18 hours ago, melcantspell said:

    I totally believe that this may be correct. I think this is a confirmation bias thing - you see crows a lot, and the weather changes a lot as well. 

    Still, as a reminder about potential weather changes I find the crows useful. They do have this "reminder" function in general to me. Whenever I hear crows, I focus my attention on them - is it a bear? a corpse? Or just crows flying above my head? 

    If it is the latter, it forces me to look at the sky more closely, thus making me aware of any weather changes, even if there is no direct correlation to the crows. ;) 

    You are correct to do so. This is like the various character comments we get in game such as "All I can think about is food" or "surrounded by snow, nothing to drink" etc that reminds me to keep an eye on the food and water levels.

  4. On 5/17/2021 at 8:14 AM, stratvox said:

    Should maybe add that personally I'm pretty sure that Thomson's Crossing is named after this guy.

    Could be that it was the original intention however in the game there is a tombstone with Ryan Thompson at that location: 


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  5. 20 hours ago, melcantspell said:

    - BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. You can avoid wildlife completely if you listen to your surroundings. You can hear wolves, bears, deer and rabbits. You can hear the crows that announce weather changes, the wind picking up etc. Listening to all these cues helps so much. It also helps to aim for higher elevation levels when planning your travel routes. This will allow you to see your surroundings better. Is there a hill in front of you, and you don't know what is behind it? Do not walk the straight line. Circle it and try to get on higher ground so you can see any possible predators early on. But listening is the most underrated skill in TLD, it helps so much if you really tune in to the sounds of your environment. 

    Enjoy :) 

    Good advices, but I want to point out the bolded part. Zaknafein made a great video about this on youtube, and the conclusion is there is no such thing as crows announcing weather changes. The developer even confirmed it.