ET gamers0206

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Posts posted by ET gamers0206

  1. Still no response and no contact. Does Hinterland not want to help me or at least respond to any messages or attempts to reach out since October....

    I want to play this game as is amazing but can't confidently keep playing and spending money when the game can crash and I loose everything. If this were to happen again I would go crazy.0

    On my PS5 you can see the there no way for you help me restore these. Please help me 


  2. I have lost all my bages and feats on my game after playing for so long to get these achievements. I have contacted PlayStation and we tried a couple of things but nothing has worked. 

    Also I have 3 feats that come up and let me add them after I loaded a save (PlayStation helped me do this). They are snow walker, free runner and cold fusion. I start the game and it is not applied so I'm also thinking I might not even be able to earn them now and will never get them back....

    Can this be repaired or fixed? I'm hoping Hinterland can help and I have reached out via email on the support several times without assistance. I really want this stuff back so I can get the extension and play at my full capacity. I hope I don't have to start from scratch....