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Posts posted by jubiboobie

  1. Hi fellow survivors, it was my understanding that wintermute saves would not be affected by the update. I have completed E4 and it will show the check mark that it’s completed, but moments later the check mark goes away. I thought at first, maybe i missed something (due to skipping some of the conversations in the game) so replayed it at the last save - 3 more times. But the check mark continues to disappear. 

    i sent an email weeks ago but have not received a response. Curious if this is happening to anyone else?





  2. BRUH. This challenge has me flipping tables! I’ve literally tried 9 times back to back, and have only succeeded in finding 1 grave site at the maintenance yard before being unable to get my health up. I’ve completed several other challenges, but I am clearly NOT ready! This challenge really does seem impossible.  Needless to say, I am only a noob to TLD but 100% obsessed!

    how many times have you failed before successfully finishing this challenge?


    Id ask for tips, but seems like it’s more skill and part luck to complete!


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  3. I’m playing on Xbox one x, survival pilgrim mode and am currently at black rock prison. I got to the door w the code needed, but dropped off ALL of my loot even before roll so i could harvest all of the heavy batteries. I come back, and all of my loot is gone? No longer on top of the steps right at the door. 

    anyone else who experience this? Losing of loot?! I’ve never. Needless to say, i will need to start a new game, and am already 140 days in since I can’t survive wo my bed roll along with other previous loot. 

    I restarted and went back to my last save; it’s still not there. 

    Truly distraught and pretty broken up about this. 

  4. I tried searching if anyone else was having this issue to see if I could self fix, to no avail, i contacted support 2 weeks ago and still haven’t received a response or fix. So reaching out to the community. I was first playing on my Xbox one x console through my game pass download. Up until a few weeks ago, while playing, i would suddenly fly lose all audio. There’s no sound even at the start screen. 
    My crazy brain thought, maybe i need to do an actual purchase-so i did. Works fine for a few days then at the most crucial point, i lose all audio again. I can’t hear bears, wolves NOTHING. Via game pass, i would uninstall and reinstall and the audio would work but for only a few hours then is completely silent again. Anyone having or had these same issues? Pretty tough to play when you can’t hear threats close by. Thanks all!