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Posts posted by RobbieFitz

  1. Bushcraft bow Saw 

    For more efficient wood processing, Lighter

    Less useful tool overall, Wears out faster


    Ice fishing improvised tip up. 

    Growing up at the North my grandfather used to make tip ups using a shopping bag secured to the end of a Willow branch which would let the wind give your line some movement. This would be a way to increase your odds of a catch. Even if it's just limited to the area immediately outside the ice fishing shacks.


    Beaver trapping

    Beaver trapping through the Ice could be a neat addition. Chip a hole in the ice and let a snare pole freeze in place. Upon checking you will need to chip your set out to retrieve your catch. You could mark viable bodies of water to trap by having a beaver house along the shore and obvious Beaver cut down trees.


    Mountain lions

    Animal conflicts are already a little blown out of proportion. Although I think it is a good artistic Liberty that makes the game more interesting. Maybe a good low chance encounter would be that of being stalked by a cougar. If left unnoticed or un dealt with this encounter would be almost certainly fatal.



    This combination of meat fat and berries would be a good way to give the player a field craftable low weight high calorie food. Not sure how this would work out considering animal fat is considered same as kerosene. Additionally there's no berries to be found in an eternal winter.




    -Other player suggestions I like-


    curing meat 

    Whether by salting or smoke curing meat for longer storage makes sense


    Ye old Stanley Thermos 

    Pretty simple just keeps the wets hot longer


    Snow depth and snowshoes 

    I'm not sure how this mechanic would be worked in. But is it is a significant factor in travel sometimes. I think it would be an important factor that snowshoes would be equally a hindrance and lighter snow though.

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  2. Thank you for building such a beautiful game artistically and a survival game with such a grounded and unique setting. I grew up in Northern Canada with a trapper for a father and have been a professional outdoorsman all my life. With that in mind I can really appreciate much of what the Devs have done with the mechanics and details of TLD. I am eager to see where you take the story and interested where Hinterland takes itself in the future.


    Here are some neat outdoor photos from my last couple years.









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