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Posts posted by Gleb_Golovin

  1. Yo, sounds pretty cool!

    I also thought that we need some kind of "mini-challenges or stories" just like in wintermute episode 3 where we have stories(in books) about strange things- white dear, big bass, Yeti... But in survival mode we woud find notes insted of books

    Woud add atmosphere in game)

    • Upvote 2
  2. Hinterland good afternoon!

    I was a little bored at the weekend, so I decided to give you a few ideas that, in my opinion, could improve our favorite game. I have already written about some of them, but I still want to repeat myself again and tell you about them again, as I consider them quite important for the game.

    There are quite a few things I would like to ask and tell you about, so I will divide my suggestions into several posts. Let's start with the biggest one.


    1) Hunting and skill Visibility

    The main problem with hunting in the TLD is that it does not exist as such. And I always thought it was strange because the game takes place in the north of Canada, in the mountains and forests. There should be a sea of different types of animals, these very animals should be one of the main ways of subsistence for the inhabitants of these areas.

    But what we have now: deer that allow you to approach them at a distance of 20 meters, rabbits that can be stunned by a stone hit, and wolves that can be killed by throwing off the bait and shooting in the face.

    Not cool.


    It always seemed funny to me that you can approach a deer closer than 50 meters while dressed as a clown) I understand that these are the conventions of the game, but when, even at the highest level of difficulty, you can sneak up to a deer at the same 50 meters and successfully kill it - it's corny not interesting… BUT!

    If there was a “Visibility” skill in the game, it would change a lot. I think it could look like a “Smell" level.
    4 “Sticks" on the screen that would affect the distance to which you could approach the prey (elk or deer for example). If we have such a skill, then we must have something that will increase or decrease the visibility of the hunter - for example, homemade camouflage suits.


    I don't mean Gilly's sniper suits-I'm talking about plain white capes! You can make three parts of a full camouflage suit that will spawn separately from each other in different places of the game world. For example:

     - Spawn Jacket in Pleasant Valley

     -  Hat-mask (like the current green balaclava)- Spawn in Ash Canyon

     - Pants- Spawn in the Valley of a quiet river

    Each of the disguise items would add one point to the character's disguise status.


    The most attentive readers have already noticed that I told about 3 cells out of four) The fourth cell is a rifle.

    Yes, I suggest to make customization of rifles.

    Firstly, I'm not talking about Scopes and other professional hunting equipment. I'm talking about simple fabric windings on the barrel and butt. Such a weapon winding, for example, can be done anywhere with the help of 15 minutes of time and a regular bandage (1 piece bandage). This idea was prompted by Vaughn's new rifle. It's old and also wrapped in some rags - why can't we do that.

    We already have improvised Crampoons- why we don t have this?


    I also propose to change the mechanics of Hunting Sit-ins. More precisely, add the ability to build improvised sit-ins.

    I know we have snow shelters- I just don't like them, I don't know why ☹

    It would be great to be able to do sit-ins as well as snow shelters. I also like the idea of adding camouflage nets that would be made on a workbench of fabric and fishing nets (which could be found in coastal areas of the game world)


    Regarding rabbit hunting: I would change the distance at which they are scared of the player - I would make it more. If you do this, then the game will make sense in traps (rarely anyone uses them) and an icon for 100 rabbits caught.


    What about wolves: I would change 2 things

    1) When aiming at a wolf, they would run 1.5 times faster

    2) When throwing the bait and then aiming the weapon, the wolves would turn around and run away


    These restrictions would make hunting wolves more scary, hard and dangerous. It would be possible to add the ability to hang meat, for example:

    The player hung a piece of deer on a tree, and he sits in a sitting position and waits for the wolf to come up and start eating.


    Hunting in The Long Dark has an incredible variety of development paths - it can turn from a boring activity into a whole event for which you would need to prepare for several weeks.

    Yes, it will be difficult for the player, but every gram of meat would give the player an incredible amount of emotions and a sense of pride for his actions.

    In the second part: the problems of climbing and mountains


    Your Siberian friend!


    палатка снег.jpg

    Clothes TLD.jpg


    обмотка ружья.jpg

    Тринога ружье.jpg

    руж маск.jpg

  3. Hello people!
    My name is Gleb, I'm from Russia, so I want to apologize in advance for mistakes in the text)
    I have been playing TLD since 2017 and during this time I have accumulated a couple of ideas that will most likely add more life and probably realism to the game.
    I would like to update in-game things like this:
    Fishing, Mountaineering, medicine, books with skills and animations.



    1) Fishing:
    In real life, I have a lot of experience in fishing, namely: 9 years and a year in the fishing sports federation, so I am well aware of this topic.

    At the moment, in The Long Dark, we have just the most boring fishing that could have been invented in the game, in fact, the player came, hollowed out a hole in a specially designated place, chose the number of hours of fishing and just wait ...TT
    It's boring, Fishing in the TLD itself is not a very popular and useful activity, so it's also tedious, my suggestions:

    Developers could add such things as: different types of winter fishing rods, fishing lines or cords that would be more difficult to break, maybe different spoons or balancers, attachments on the hook, and then at this point in time it turns out that the character can catch trout for 3 kilograms just on a bare hook with a fishing line tied somehow from the intestines. It would be possible to make the fish bite vary depending on the weather and time of day.
    It's also quite hard for me to believe that there is not a single fishing shop or trailer on the same coastal highway, the same applies to other locations with large bodies of water.



    2) Mountaineering:
    I'm not as well versed in this topic as I am in fishing, so please correct me, but still I've been climbing in my city for a year.
    Mountaineering in TLD is dead, or rather it simply does not exist!
    Since we have recently added climbing cats, I believe that it was possible to add other things like:
    New lighter cables (not 5 kilograms), carabiners, safety belts (so that you can rest in the middle of the climb) ice axes and whatever else.
    It would be possible to add new places where you can attach cables, ice rocks on which the character could climb without a cable but with cats and ice axes, so that he could screw carbines into the ice and attach insurance and much more.
    Mountaineering can be made an integral part of the TLD - after all, we already have such cool locations for climbing as: Timberwolf Mountain, Hushed River Valley and Ash canyon.
    And again-stores with equipment, well, I can't believe that in such a popular area among climbers there is not a single store or wagon with consumables!



    3) Medicine:
    In principle, everything is not so bad in the game with her, I would just add a couple of mechanics and new animations and it would be great:
    It would be more interesting if it were possible to treat various parts of the body (for example, as in Escape From Tarkov), that is: after a fight with a bear, he bit your right leg badly, there is bleeding and you have to tighten the leg with a tourniquet, and only then wrap bandages and painkillers! It would be possible to add a concussion after which you would have the effect of "nausea” for a while and reduced health.

    And again! I don't think there is not a single hospital or even the simplest hospital on the whole island of the Great Bear!(except for the medical center in prison)



    4) New books and skills:
    To all of the above innovations, it would be possible to add books corresponding to them-rock climbing and medicine.



    5) Adding new animations!

    To make the game more lively, I consider it necessary to add animations to simple actions (something like in Escape From Tarkov):
    Making a fire, eating, warming up food, playing bait while fishing, cleaning weapons (rifle and revolver), animation treatment and so on.



    Well, that's it for me, thank you for taking your time and reading this post!
    With love from Siberia!


    balancer and rod.jpg

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