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Posts posted by dv8

  1. On 11/19/2021 at 11:28 PM, stratvox said:

    I play custom, turn wolf population down to low, crank the damage they can inflict, and set wolf fear to max. I also set animal detection to very far and scent factor to maximum. 

    I set all other animal populations to either Voyageur levels or max.

    This has a few effects. It makes wolf encounters much rarer, because there are a lot fewer of them. They are unpredictable because they will be pulled to you if you're carrying smellies but will often run away after they become aware of you, esp if you have bear coat and bearskin bedroll. When they do end up getting inside your defences and tangling with you, then it's far more serious. Encounters are rarer, unpredictable when they do occur thanks to the wolf fear factor, so the tension remains high.

    In a lot of ways I'm trying to make them like bears but with decent chances that they won't attack you because even when their population is set to low there are a lot more of them than there are of bears.

    If you have smellies bears will detect it from amazing distances and come looking for you.

    Bow hunting deer will be more challenging as they will be pretty far away from you when they scatter.

    This will also result in animals interacting a LOT more than they do in the standard modes, which opens up many more opportunities for an enterprising greenhorn on GBI to thieve fresh deer off wolves by scaring them away with stones or whatever... because yes, if you bounce a rock off Fido's noggin while they're chowing down on a deer they'll run. The animal interactions can also result in animals moving on from their spawn locations as deer flee chasing wolves or they all run from mr bear and migrating from their spawn positions.

    I have spent a fair chunk of time over the last year playing with the custom settings to make the game a little more unpredictable, and this seems to work pretty well... and given that the wolves can kick the crap out of you if they /do/ catch you it highly motivates careful gameplay esp in the early game and makes animal encounters of all kinds much more difficult to predict, esp wrt where you have them... but also lets you off the hook enough to keep it interesting.

    AFAIK this is the closest thing I know of to what you're asking for.


    I'll give it a try, thanks!

  2. 7 hours ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

    That’s what voyageur level is. Really in any level other than interloper it doesn’t matter if a wolf attacks you once you have clothing. They hit like marshmallows and almost never damage clothing and it can be repaired easily. Don’t worry about wolves on the easy levels- you don’t need to adjust attacking settings. 

    No you can change settings so that attacks are much more lethal, which seems realistic to me. Having a much higher chance of damaging you and your clothing, but none of those settings matter as not a single wolf attacks me. I'd love it if there was a still a danger of it though, but it's a flat out on or off setting unfortunately.

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  3. Currently I have pretty realistic settings on TLD's Survival mode. I don't like every wolf attacking me, it doesn't feel realistic so I play with passive wildlife and while I have had scrapes with bears and moose after attacking it would be really cool if the occasional wolf or wolf pack did have a go at me... What if instead of it being a simple ON/OFF setting there was a medium? You could have maybe 10% attack you. Or a LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH setting like other settings you have. So that the chance of wolf attack is small, but still a chance. I would love to see this.

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