Danger ranger

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Posts posted by Danger ranger

  1. Alright thermos flask they should be a rare item that can hold hot beverages or foods like soup.


    It should keep its temperature for a couple days 


    It should be a rare find


    Perhaps you could upgraded with bunny skin you keep its temperature going longer and have a little bit more use for rabbits 


    Perhaps theirs is really really rare spawn for a bigger more advanced flask that keeps food and drinks hot for an entire week and can hold more 


    This could save lives in snowstorms and it would make tea and soups more useful when you cook them.


    Most of my camps I have to travel far away to do work so by the time my character is at where he needs to be the bonus effect has already worn off.


    At the very end what can you put into it all tea's, coffees and soups and anything else that can be heated up for the warm bonus effect

    They should be found in bunkers and houses/cabins in my opinion