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Posts posted by Lemminglydl

  1. After a long time travelling, fishing and aiming for wildlife you get numb to the will to survive. But after the ash of the deserted wilderness, you come to a place, there is an forgotten beauty. ...

    Thats my first impression of a new map. An eccentric rich man build a villa into the mountains. But. In the beautiful area you see people killed by a scratch. His pet, a snow leopard becomes crazy and has started to fight the employees. At last his owner dyed, by hiding in the bedroom, only a notice testifies from the things happened. but, before you can reach this information, you have to pass the dangerous cat. Catlike the 'pet' like to sleep all around. But if the leopard walk around, weak up by your smell or footsteps, you have only a small chance to escape. Different to the bear or moose, the leopard (or maybe tiger?)  kills you without mercy. You have only two chances to escape: Firstly the cat jumps in front of you and roar. Stay. Don't run! So the cat is confused by your curage. In this 10 seconds you can go wherever you want, but after the cat will starting to attack you twice. Stand still for a second then run as fast as you can! The leopard gives you only this two chances! If it's not possible for you to escape, there is one last 50- 70% chance to escape. Run straightly into a wolf, moose or bear! Maybe they attack you, but it's better than be eaten by the Leopard! Okay. It's easier to attack the leopard with a gun ... x,D

    Why you want to pass this danger? The estate has two things you really want: A bathhub and a greenhouse (Winter garden)

    The bathhub is in an outdoor bathhouse and can be fired by wood. If it's possible for you to smelt 60l of unsafe water and put this into the oven, you can take a invigorating bath with flowing water. After the bath you need to dry. But you cann't dry into this house. You have to go back to the house - 'naked', because wet. After the bath your 'eye' is red, you are as tired as you can - also your naked and warm skin smells really good for the wildlife. Pass the danger outside and sleep well in the house. After that procedure your 'storage fever'-risk (Sorry if this is wrong i'm a german player :D) decrese significantly for the next two weeks. Also the next days (2-5) you feel really powerful! If well fed, you can easier fight wolfes and maybe you are a bit stronger to transport your things. 

    + Aurora with the radio on and a bath will have an achievement. 

    The Greenhouse needs your attention for 100 days (!) Every 2 weeks you have to water the plants with (unsafe) water (---> maybe the water from the bathhub?) But after that you can enjoy (once after every 100 days) your own grown ... brussel sprouts ... 😢

    Also the villa is also the spawn point of the leopard. One entrance is destroyed by fallen rocks. The destroyed room with rocks inside is the most prefered sleeping place of the big Cat. Be careful, if you are inside the house. The next door can be the door to your death. 

    Okay. Thats my Idea for a 'new' challenge inside the sandbox. Hope you enjoy my idea and have some inspiration from this.

    Have a nice weekend.


    Lemmi ♥


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