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Posts posted by Haze

  1. 6 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

    meh, most people might launch a game and spawn somewhere else and work their way to Ash Canyon after having fortified their character.  but a truly adventurous player would choose to randomly spawn on GBI considering the true essence of the game.    I personally find it much more of a challenge to select random spawning and take my chances on where I end up materializing in the world.  It seems crashing in a harsh remote area seems to be just a bit more realistic that way.  you know what I mean?  The player ends up working their ass off trying to stay alive, foraging and fighting their way thru the harsh wilderness only to finally find some decaying remenants of civilization.  Then comes that moment, that glimmer of hope, you loot your first cabin or shack and suddenly some hope has been restored...

    Yeah I tried that I worked my way from ash canyon to mystery lake 

    It is more challenging to start in ash canyon I agree but it’s fun

    You just have to get a little bit lucky with the wolf spawns and the weather in the early game

    if you want there is a rifle that always spawns in any mode except interloper that spawns very close to anglers den you must access it from the light blue shaded area way below the anglers den


  2. 15 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

    consistently bad weather and low player stamina coupled with inadequate clothing and throw in a dash of limited easily accessible structures and you have a pretty tough nut to crack as a novice pilgrim player.  not everybody who plays TLD is a Stalker or Interloper level player, don't you know?

    There are also other that are hard to start in E.G: Hushed River Valley  and Timberwolf mountain they are harder because they have a great reward - high risk/reward.

    Ash canyon is also one of these maps I don’t think the game expects you to go there straight away. 

    It’s better to start in the neighbouring regions or easier regions like coastal highway or mystery lake.

    After stocking up the player should not have such a tough time on these maps. 


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  3. 1 hour ago, Karl Grylls said:

    Regardless from other crafting wishes etc., i would like to have a safehouse customization as it was notet on the early roadmap. Just to be able to repair the roof at the hut in TWM would be great or the ability to make the church a base with a fence. Or the possibility to build an anteroom like the one at the farmstead in order to give you the possibility to observe the area in front of you before actually going outside.

    Yeah I agree it would be nice to upgrade structures already there

    I was hoping they could add more stuff in the radial menu next to the campfire and snow shelter some other item you can place 

    i don’t want this game to be like minecraft or some other survival game requiring you 50 wood and 50 metal to build a structure of some sort that’s not what I meant at all.

    maybe in the radial menu there could be space for a tent that can store items in some kind of container:

  4. It would be cool to see if you are able to build improvised structures to protect you from the environment.

    E.G: An improvised fence/barrier.

    •This would be made from possibly reclaimed wood scrap and metal/sticks
    Scrap metal could me melted down  at a forge or crafted at a workbench using tools to make metal barbed wires to upgrade the fence.

    •This can be used as a defence against wolves only scaring them and making them bleed temporarily if they come into contact with the barber wire fence.

    •Bears can to easily destroy this structure they will take minimal damage from the barbed wire.

    • Blizzards and strong winds can wear down this structure’s condition over time but can be fixed using basic materials.



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