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Posts posted by Vaddakaax

  1. On 4/4/2023 at 4:49 AM, Merrak said:
    • In some cases, picking up the Field 31 Operations Memo and spending a lengthy amount of time reading it causes the character to be frozen in place when exiting the document.

    This caused me to double back twice. I had made it all the way to Pleasant Valley only to look at the memo and double back, climb both peaks with the firewatch towers on them just to read the quest and find I had been going the right way this whole time. Looks like I wasted 2 in game days.

    I'm slightly upset something as simple as a text change to this document has not been made in this many months.

  2. Hello! I was hoping to restore my save files in order to use my current playthroughts for the DLC. I downloaded my steam cloud saves only to find I have local files in my app data on my PC. I thought I had moved them from one folder to the correct one but upon booting up the game I seem to be missing something. Could anyone help me with the directory pathway?



  3. All the parts kind of melted together in my mind so I'm going to give you some theories as to what might be next because I don't fully recall the order.

    A. Completing that side of the boiler should open another doorway in the hallway perhaps? So go back the way you came and keep your eyes open for a door on the right. And maybe that one out?

    B. You might need to open the valve on the front of that boiler.

    C. If that doesn't work, face that boiler, then turn 180 degrees the opposite direction. Walk towards the hallway all the way to a door that says control room. To the right there should be a valve, perhaps closing that one helps? It should add pressure elsewhere to help you progress.


  4. I had to rerun this to fix a bug. The short version is this.

    After exiting the fire escape, go around the vents on the roof you should find a set of stairs, those stairs point to a metal path, run across that take two rights, board up another door with a plank and then just hop down.

  5. Hey there! I'm stuck on the final sprint of Blackrock. I ran through all the searchlights and made it to the bus in what I assume to be the maintenance shed and I see no where else to go but the building the bus is pointing towards. 

    Oh my goodness I feel so stupid. It was as simple as opening a door just in front of the bus that I didn't see. Sorry!

  6. You're not meant to stockpile in this game mode, or even craft all that much. The only thing I can recall is smithing the spear back to it's former glory. The woman in milton teaches you to urban forage, but also to only take as much as you can carry. I can see your frustration being locked out of your supplies, but you're not meant to hold onto everything anyway. You're meant to follow the narrative not the loot. If you want the latter paly survival mode. I'm sorry you had such a poor experience.

  7. I just finished that part but it's a little difficult to describe so I'm going to start from the warden's office.

    You go back out the door to the office and through the fire escape door.

    Then you drop down a bit and run across some roofs, and along a metal path.

    There should be an intersection with fire to your left and path to your right, head right.

    Follow the path and you should come to a door with a yellow plank next to it. Interact with the plank and bar a second door, and then drop down where the plank was.

    Hopefully that helps?

    I'm also stuck at the tail end just a few minutes past that.

  8. I decided to do some challenges for the game. After failing The Hunted and Whiteout multiple times I decided to try Nomad. The description seemed easy and I thought I knew the maps well. However as I start my first few locations getting to 3 days each is a slog.

    I'm on my third location and I've survived 18 days in total. How you may ask? Have I lost my way to each location in a fog? Attacked by wildlife maybe? No. Sadly I've been finding that the hours I pass within these locations don't add up how they should. I "pass time" for 12 hours and time and again it does not register half a day more like .2 or .3 days. Sleeping rarely counts either. Does anyone else experience this? These challenges are meant to take 1-3 hours as the tab describes but this is horribly long and boring.