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Posts posted by kokorocala

  1. Really appreciate the work that Hinterland is doing, and love their connection to the community. I'm hoping with this new year and onward that their studio doesn't go through crunch, the same insane conditions many other studios decide to undertake in the name of time and completing a project. Hoping you guys at the Studio know that we'll be here whether you crunch or not, and we appreciate the work even more, knowing you guys are getting some good rest, and taking care of yourselves!

    There's not a whole lot of Coal mine canaries out there for creatives, but we want you to know that crunch isn't what being creative is about, and in the end, doesn't create a better game. Just wanted to let the team know that health and safety are #1!

    • Upvote 1
  2. Just wanted to introduce myself! I'm a player from southwest Ohio, and over the years, due to climate change and global warming, Snowy winters have become more few and far between. I love the cold and I love survival games, and The Long Dark helps me get more in touch with the snow and the frost that I miss so much! This is and awesome game and I've been better off for it!

    Wishing the Hinterland team a happy holidays and a creative new year!🥶