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Posts posted by hasancroissant

  1. Hi folks, 

    I have been playing TLD on and off since it was on Early Access. Although I clocked in around 400 hrs in the game, I was nowhere much invested in the game for longer periods of time. But recently I got totally hooked. My aim for the current run (470+ days) is to get as many achievements and feats as possible. See, I am a completionist for any game I play and TLD has been a gem for that urge:) I already got pretty much all "grindy" achievements including the Faithful Cartographer but my World Explored remains in 99% which drives me bananas as a completionist. Do I go and survey all the maps till there is no black spots or do you folks have any suggestions for me? 

    BTW: This run is on Pilgrim as aggressive wildlife is really not my thing especially now as I play the game just to relax in a really anxiety-driven world and I cannot get feats etc on custom.