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Posts posted by Anduin

  1. I stumbled upon the event with my reunion to TLD after about a 5 year break around when the Wintermute storyline was still unfinished in chapter two. 

    Honestly I have to say I am impressed on the additions and tweaks to the game as a whole and feel it has only gotten better with age. The event was a good refresher on staying mobile and not getting stuck in a location while depleting resources. The storms being more frequent and longer in duration felt more appropriate.

    I never play or experience a game without a full emersion, and so I can never bring myself to “cheat” and use a multiple save strategy to complete a challenge. To me this only steals the luster of the reward. I thought the rarity of syrup was justified and realistic. I spent over 100 days searching MT, ML, CH, FM but was only able to complete half of the challenge, the sweet syrups eluded me as they would in the real quiet apocalypse.

    Well done Hinterland thanks for the summer blizzards in California. Much needed. 

  2. I just ventured back into the world of TLD after taking a long break when it was still being completed and free on Xbox. The first log in felt like a reunion with an old friend. The very first thing I noticed was the change in the opening music and have to say it was much better before and had more emotion to match the theme of the experience. I went on a search for the music because that violin and piano climax was haunting. Found it on steam and will cherish it forever. The original theme is the proper opening music and should be enshrined with TLD experience. Thank you Hinterland and Raphael. 

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