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Posts posted by Concrete

  1. Hi i dont mean to be some crybaby or anything, im just curious tbh cause i love this game and would love to learn some stuff to make my gameplay smoother. So basically ive watched many gameplays of interloper before i started playing myself, and i saw that interloper is about fighting the world and the lack of resources more than wildlife itself, matter fact in a lot of gameplays i used to watch very few wolves and it seemed cool cause i dont really like a LOT of wolves around, i prefer to fight the cold weather and struggle to find food, but when i started playing interloper by myself i noticed theres a lot of wolves spawns that have been added (i think) in the past few months, so the maps that have been made are not really reliable cause of all the new spawns, so i was wondering, is there any way to deal with there being so many wolves? ive seen a new wolf in front of the dam now, not fluffy which is in the back, but where the trailers are, he's there sometimes, but it makes very annoying making the dam a base cause you cant go between the trailers and the dams safely.
    Also if anyone knows about an updated map i would very much appreciate (besides the new update of fearless navigator), i hope nobody take this in the wrong way, i really love this game, and thank you in advance. Also pardon my english im not a native english speaker.