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Posts posted by Kingkushinton

  1. Yes but that's the drag sled I mean a dog sled pulled by two dogs that u would have to maintain condition on in addition to ur own thirst and hunger needs and the transition between zones that are blocked would have transition paths specifically designed for the sleds I also stated that's the sled would not interact with steep slopes as in u put a simple ivisble boundary on any slope to steep that is only in effect while in ur sled so adds all the balance ur saying of wat gear to bring we're and when u wouldn't just be hoarding food and fire wood on sled for u u would have to ration between ur two dogs as well and it's a two dog sled not a car ur not bringing ur whole base with u so don't see the problem in this sled that ur stating with a simple drag sled



  2. I mean I get it and I appreciate the links but I have looked at previous post why I put ways u can balance unlike may I have seen that just ask just thought I'd put my twist of balance on the sled been a player since day one on PlayStation but again I really do appreciate the links but want to keep thread on topic ya know

  3. Hello my name is Kush here me out and please give feed back suggestions or at least let me know wat u think but I was thinking of a balanced way u could add transportation to the game u could do a dog sled maybe at a key place on the map maybe like mountain town farm u can find two dogs and have an accept or not accept button when u accept the now need to be fed and watered in order to not die...... in the barn there's a broken dog sled u must fix and not easy to do either lots of wood and gut to repair........  the dogs serve no purpose but the sled itself so add no other bonuses and yes makes travel easier but will not be easy to sustain and wonse the dogs are gone they are gone so someone who tries to get it to early will most likely loss the ability for their late game make specific tansittion trails l....long trails not be confused with foot paths so u will probably not make the transition on these trails on foot unless equipped for it  u can make it so it doesn't work well on rough terrain and ur not climbing hills with a two dog. Sled just to make nomadding and transporting meat and items late game to different spots and making a trip for broken railroad to desolation point not a trip that takes half ur food supply  wat do u guys think would appreciate feed back