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Posts posted by McGroves01

  1. So I have a few ideas I would love to see in this game. For starters multiplayer but I'm sure this has been said a million times but let me pose this question, what good is a 6 burner stove in a community hall with no friends to share it with?! Beyond that, I would like to see a mode that is more subsistence living. Less processed foods like can goods and such but more ammo, fishing gear and A NEW ACTIVITY. ...  growing food! So first and foremost, it would give us more things to scavenge for, like fertile ground, which could be found in a variety of places, seeds and or items (potatoes specifically) and gardening tools. Now I know you're asking, how would this work? You cannot grow things in the cold! Correct, thus we would need new buildings. Not changing buildings just adding some to key points in the map. Now these building would work in many regards to make long game more sustainable, they would be like the lookouts, you can easily see through the windows, but more importantly sun can get through the windows. These buildings would have grow boxes inside them that can be filled with fertile dirt and seeds watered for xx days and produce vegetables. Now resource management is going to be key because you have yo keep the shelter warm to grow plants, so wood will be key to fuel the fireplace that will take part of one wall of these buildings while the remaining walls are made of glass much like the hut in PV (I believe that's where it is but may be wrong)  have a cot in the corner and two large storage hatches inside to hold tons of gear for the long game. And best of all to make the sunlight effect work and also make it critical in determining when to hunt and travel by seeing your surroundings no load screen entrance but still have the perks of curing pelts. Making this would be intended as being a main base camp location in each map so having it in a nice central location would be great however there must be some work to reach it, but it still needs access to game for proteins. I wouldn't want work benches at them as then there would be no point to spending anytime in any other locations. C'mon hinterland this would be a game changer for sure, but for the better!