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Posts posted by Deadbolt0804

  1. I know the Darkwalker mode just came out but as I was wandering the green tinged snowscape an idea hit me. What if there were no safe havens left in the long dark? No Quonset Hut, no Ranger Station, no trappers cabin, etc. What if no large buildings remained and you had to survive in caves and small cabins? 

    So as I overthought this idea I came up with a description for a challenge mode: "Electrical storms have brought fire to Great Bear island. Your refuge has turned to ash. Beware incoming storms as the risk of lighting strike is high and near lethal. There is...NO SAFE HAVEN"

    Continuing this line of overthinking, I came up with a goal to attain before you pass into the long dark. You have to collect pieces of heavy equipment and carry them to certain high locations (ranger towers, Timber Wolf Mountain peak, lighthouse) while avoiding lightning storms and surviving almost entirely outdoors. After your build these lighting rods in a fruitless attempt to fight back against the storms the challenge ends, similar to Hopeless Rescue.

    More overthinking later I came up with a tagline

    The Long Dark: NO SAFE HAVEN
             Say goodbye to cabin fever!


    Even more overthinking: Game tweaks for the challenge,
    More revolver ammo as you'll be outdoors a lot
    More wood drops
    Slightly adjusted temps at the beginning to let you get a good set of clothes
    Lightning animations (I know this would be asking a lot)
    Obviously the buildings would need to be burned down which is asking for even more than the lightning animations. 


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  2. I really like the depression idea. I was thinking of something similar a couple months ago. I wanted a depression mechanic that was triggered/increased by the looting of dead bodies, constant animal attacks, and the lack of any type of social interaction. If you don't treat the depression over time it progresses and affects your stamina and requires more sleep (lethargy) then leads to apathy where the character won't always follow your commands. It would eventually become despair where the character won't eat and slowly loses health and has an ever increasing risk of just laying down and giving up. I couldn't think of a good way to treat the condition (except a Wilson from Cast Away type of totem to 'talk to', or a new med item). My thought wasn't to make light of the condition but to emphasize how a lack of social interaction would affect someone surviving alone for so long who is seeing constant reminders that everyone is dead. 


    On a side note loss of sleep should totally have a hallucination effect where you hear and see things that aren't there. Maybe a flash of hazy slightly opaque black fur just at your peripherals. Ever stay up a couple days without sleep? The world gets trippy.