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Posts posted by ErPanfi

  1. On 7/4/2020 at 4:54 PM, kingpott said:

    crackers are with 6000 calories per kilogram still far superior

    I think that the dehydration for the crackers consumption is to be accounted for.

    It's a minor handicap, of course, because there are many way to avoid/fix it (eg: you eat them when you're already full dehydrated, or you got fuel to spare so you boil up an extra liter while waiting in a cave, or you pass by a toilet, or whatever), but they require a lot of water to be sustainable: this offset their calories density advantage a little, imho.

    EDIT: wording

  2. 1 hour ago, Jekku said:

    On the other hand... I just think the experience is perfect for a solo player. There's just something about being alone and "stuck" by yourself that's kind of... nice? It really adds to the experience. I think you would lose something if you added co-op to survival mode.

    I fully agree with you: the single-player portion of the experience is a key part in this game fun factor: there's Green Hell for survival coop.


    That's why I proposed a "let's find each other" mechanic, a couple of post up here, while I were discussing the "time debt" concept: the moment you can interact with each other is the moment the game will end. It's *almost* a single player experience, except you have a shorter goal than survival and charting.

    The loneliness is still there, however you *know* that you can beat it by trying to track a moving target, which you can witness interactions with the map instead of "cooperating" for survival.

    What do you think?

  3. Necroing the thread to confirm this happens to me too, with the attached error popup.

    I noticed that usually this error does come up with saves on injuries, but has happened to me in other circumstances (ie: while try to sleep).

    Also, this is not systematical : many times game would save without any problem.


  4. Jumping in to share a concept I'm toying with, that can "attenuate" the time compression issue, but it's only usable when players are in different regions : "time debt".  Let's say you sleep 8hrs in ML, while I'm in CH: you region "shift" 8hrs forward in time, mine stays at T+0, so I'm "in debt" by 8hrs. Then you sleep, and also gain 8hrs of debt : this means we are synced again, and both debts cancel each other.
    When the player with more debt changes region some of this debt is forcefully repayed. Eg: if you're 10hrs behind transitioning from ML to Ravine will take 2hrs of your debt, with a prompt on screen that says something like "the trek to Ravine seems sligthly/moderately/extrememly difficult than usual. You should rest before trying it", and if you confirm you find yourself in Ravine with some added time and less calory/water, with the same consumption rate as sleeping. This means that the more "active" player is "dragged down"  toward the more "slow" player, and there will be less needing for time compression with every region switch.
    This also means that asyncronous play is enabled: if the game forces you to go to sleep when you want to log off, your character is sleeping while you sleep IRL; this way I can play in our sandbox, recoup my time debt and catch up, and then I go to sleep and YOU play and catch up, and so on.
    When the player enter the same region of the other, you can offset all the entire days of debt and forcefully sync them together. (ie: if you have 32hrs of debt you'll be forwarded by 8hrs, and the rest is condoned. You effectively gained one or more days of playtime in respect to the other player, but the game is about to end anyway, so who cares?).
    Obviously, when players are in the same region "classical" time compression has to be used, but this technique can be used to avoid it when players are interacting with different maps.

    In my head this concept suits well when every player has the unique task of find the other character (every one choose to interpret will/astrid, and the other player will *looks like* the other character in the player monitor), and the game ends well when anybody finds the other, sleeping or awake. Cue sweet cutscene.
    To put some extra challenge, if you accumulate too much debt (like, idk, an entire week?) the slower player will die of <something> during his/her sleep.
    The living player should be notified about this, and can choose if:
    - keep playing on that sandbox until he found the corpse (corpse and spray markers stays), cue sad cutscene, then he can only play single player in that sandbox from now on.
    - allow another players to join: corpse and every spray marker made by the dead player de-spawn when the other player joins, time debt is reset. This is actually a fresh game, when one of the two players had an advantage (disclaimer: I don't know if this choice leads to actually fun gameplay, but I think that the "find each other" is a difficult task, and finding many dead partners can be frustrating in the long run, so let's offer the player some extra happiness chance, if he likes it he will take it 😛 ).
    EDIT: maybe this thread should have a "suggestion" flair on it: it's starting to have more contributions than questions
  5. On 2/6/2020 at 2:19 AM, Admin said:

    We are committed to continuing to support our players who purchased the game through that avenue, and are releasing updates for them alongside our other users.  

    Necroing the thread just to say how much I appreciate this part.

    I do understand that there's something you can't/won't say, but committing to NOT making the end customer pay the price of a "business decision" is a noble gesture. And I'm ready to bet that if, in a somewhat distant future, you decide to abandon the GOG development branch you'll come up with a system to not leaving your GOG users behind.
