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Posts posted by Tonya1026

  1. On 5/23/2024 at 3:53 PM, mintietcatm said:

    Another Wintermute season would be a dream come true!! i love this story so much 

    Me too! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy just basic survival forever also but  Wintermute is the best thing ever! I always drag out each episode I play because I don’t want it to end. It’s the perfect combination of a story and just survival. Being able to do the story in your own time, that’s what made me fall in love with this game! 

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  2. I just posted about this issue a few weeks ago when the xbox app/Microsoft was requiring me to re-purchase the expansion pack but not the actual game. I can verify that since I have not yet bought the expansion pack, my game version is 2.25 on computer and 2.27 on Xbox but my saves has been compatible. I was able to pick up right where I left off from Xbox to computer without any issues, but I wasn’t in the far territory or anything like that. I was just in a regular area. If you’re playing any DLC content, I’m sure something bad would happen lol. 

    When I posted about this issue, someone told me that after buying the expansion pack through the Microsoft app (a second time), it suddenly started working, but I can’t verify that myself since I haven’t done it yet. I also contacted Microsoft but so far they’ve been no help. 

    I do know Hinderland is looking into this issue soon but if you don’t want to wait, you can either buy the expansion pack through Microsoft, which supposedly fixes it. Or you can also play through the cloud through the Xbox app with your Xbox controller and you will have the newest version of the game. It’s only when you install the long dark and play using your keyboard and mouse, that TFT won’t show up. 

  3. 15 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    I'd suggest going up the secret path and goating down towards the exit.. I always use that way to leave ,it offers more wind cover and of course no chance of falling through the ice..

    I tried the secret path (it worked) and I def like it better. I can get out of Bleak Inlet in less than a days time if I go this way, but I’m not really sure where to go down the mountain from this way. I tried to go down at the fallen tree and fell when a blizzard came because I panicked. I despise BI 🤣

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  4. In between episodes of Wintermute, I usually take a break, so it’s been a while since I’ve played. I just started back two days ago and noticed I still haven’t completed as the dead sleep or the darkwalker challenges. I should’ve started with an easier survival mode because I’m really struggling to make it out of bleak inlet. 

    I planned out a route to take in advance and the next place I plan to go is Forlorn Muskeg then BR, but I’m dying before I can even make it halfway there. I really don’t remember this challenge being this difficult!

    For anyone who’s actually completed this challenge, what am I missing? Why is it so difficult now?? I really wanted to get it completed before the cougar came in to play!

    Are you taking your time and searching every place before moving on or rushing through to get to the next map? I’ve tried both running through and taking my time but I still can’t find enough food so I end up starving and freezing and/or dying from a wolf attack. Any tips for completing this challenge?

  5. 4 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    Thanks for clarifying, @Tonya1026. I appreciate you taking the time to add this detail.

    (FYI, yes on Xbox you can buy some games on one platform and play them on the other as well, in this case you can buy on Xbox and play on PC using the Xbox app. That is independent of Game Pass.)

    I'm honestly not sure why the Play Anywhere aspect isn't working here. If you don't mind, can you report it to our Support Portal, here:

    Let me know once you have reported it, and I will ask the team to take a look as soon as TALES Part Five has cleared Test. 🙏🏻


    Ok I reported the issue. I will prob just repurchase Tales if it works that way because I really want it for PC anyway but I do hope you're able to find a solution for future people with this issue. Thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it!

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  6. 4 hours ago, mintietcatm said:

    this exact thing happened to me last october and i sent an email but they never responded.... ended up buying it again

    I owned tld + tales on my xbox and tried to play from my laptop as i was on a trip but it asked to repurchase same as this situation

    I'm considering just purchasing Tales so I can play it but I was afraid it would still not work correctly. After you bought it a second time, does it now work correctly?

  7. 46 minutes ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    Hello @Tonya1026 -- sorry to hear you've run into this issue.

    Just to 100% confirm what is going on:

    * You bought TLD on Xbox.

    * You bought TALEs on Xbox.

    * You are trying to play on your PC (via the Xbox app) and it's asking you to re-purchase TALEs (but not TLD)

    Is that correct?

    You mentioned Game Pass which is part of why I'm asking for clarification. If you played TLD on Game Pass, but didn't buy it, you'd have to purchase it outright to play it since TLD is no longer on Game Pass. We launched TALES after TLD had already left Game Pass so I doubt this is the issue here, but I just want to be 100% clear.

    Yes. I own TLD and Tales both on Xbox. It is only asking me to repurchase Tales, not TLD when I try to play it from my computer. TLD works just fine on both PC and Xbox. Tales only works on Xbox.

    *I call it Game Pass but I think its called Play Anywhere someone said, but I do have Game Pass Ultimate.*

    Here is a screenshot of TLD from my computer showing I'm logged in to my Xbox account. Survival mode and Wintermute both work just fine. When I click Download Now next to "Expansion" it takes me to the Microsoft Store and asks me to buy it for $19.99, even though I've already bought it and have it installed on my Xbox. I went back and found my purchase history from when I bought Tales and added it as well. 

    1 game.png

    2 game.png

  8. I made this map connections sheet a long time ago and have just been adding to it over the years. I wanted a general idea of which areas connected to the next without using the spoiler maps. With the addition of Tales, I'm not sure its accurate anymore. If there's any mistakes in the layout of the newer areas, please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!


    The Long Dark Maps.png

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  9. 3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    I'm afraid I don't know.. I haven't got the play anywhere but there is a thread somewhere about it..   I'd send the link if I could but I think it's on technical discussion anyway..  and pretty recent...  Maybe check using the search function.....

    Sorry I can't be more help..  

    If it is the same issue though I'd suggest filing a report.

    Thank you so much! I didn’t know it was a common issue. I found the post you’re talking about and apparently it’s been an issue for over a year. I’ve never tried to play it on computer so I didn’t know. At least now I know it’s not something I did to break the game 😂 

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  10. I think you’re having the same issue that I am! I bought the long dark and tales expansion on my Xbox. When I log into my computer to play using the play anywhere, the long dark works correctly but tales does not work. It asks me to “download now” then takes me to the Microsoft store to charge me $20 even though I have already bought it and have it downloaded and installed on Xbox. Is that the same problem you’re having?

    I thought about just purchasing it again for $20 (from Microsoft store) but I’m worried that still won’t fix the issue. I really want to play it on my computer instead but I want my saved data from xbox! 

  11. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    Are you referring to the Xbox play anywhere?   I think there is an issue with that..

    Yes, I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s called. I just open the Xbox app on my computer and it allows me to play all the games that I have downloaded on my Xbox. The long dark game itself works, it’s only the expansion pack that it’s asking me to buy, even tho I’ve already bought it and have it installed on my Xbox. 

    Is the issue from Microsoft or the long dark? Do you know if I do buy the DLC again, will it work then?

    I’ve been debating on buying it all from Steam anyway eventually so just buying the DLC would be cheaper, if it actually works that way. But I definitely don’t want to buy it three times lol.

  12. This could potentially be an Xbox issue so I’m not really sure where to ask, but I have the Xbox version of the long dark and I bought tales the day it came out, also Xbox. Having Xbox game pass, it allows you to play Xbox games on your computer or your Xbox (no issues with other games, I do it all the time). But when I went to start a game on Tales, it is pulling up the Microsoft store asking me to pay $20 again when I’ve already purchased it through my Xbox. Is it because it’s a DLC? I’ve never had this happen with any other games. 

    Does anyone else play Xbox games from their computer? If so, can you tell me if there’s a way to fix this so I don’t have to buy it twice. Especially since I don’t actually own the long dark for computer, only Xbox. 

  13. I’ve read through all the comments and noticed no one has asked this yet. You don’t have to reply, it’s just something I’m curious about. So far I know each game will have a cougar with a single den somewhere random in the world. We can find the den and destroy it if we want the cougar to leave us alone for awhile. But what it doesn’t say is if the den can move locations in a single game? 

    So if the cougar gets “interested” in us and comes to our territory, will the den also come to that territory with it? Or if we do find the den and successfully destroy it, when it comes back eventually, will it be in a different spot the second time? 

  14. 18 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    A new permanent debuff- Always Hungry!

    You can never get the Well Fed buff again. 😒

    You're Gonna Regret This...-

    Sprint and climbing speed cut in half. 😬

    Well, Look At The Mess You Made!-

    Your backpack gets dumped. But not all in one big pile- go gather your things, or what remains of them, from all over the region. Kitty thought they were all toys and seems to have carried it all off to play with... somewhere else. 🥴

    I Can't Feel My Feet!-

    No socks for you! Ever! 🦶🥶

    I’m pretty sure you’re just kidding about “The kitty thinking your backpack was full of toys” but I actually really like this idea! It’s so unrealistic when you go back to pick up your stuff and it’s all right there in the same spot that you dropped it, untouched and perfect condition. If you’re in a struggle with an animal, especially if you’re carrying food, it is going to take your food and probably ruin multiple things in the process. 

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  15. Does the permadeath and cheat death apply to all modes (including pilgrim or whatever is the easiest one, I can’t remember) and Wintermute or all survival modes only or just Tales, specifically?

    So if I start a game today, will I need to restart a new run in June for these new updates to take affect? 

  16. 2 hours ago, mintietcatm said:

    The original version of Wintermute came out in 2017, it featured third person cutscenes and not all of it was voice acted. 👇


    The gameplay mechanics were not the best so it was "Reduxed" in 2018 before Crossroads elegy came out. This is the version we can play right now, it features first person cutscenes and is fully voice acted. You can only play the pre-redux by using the steam time capsules


    I do like the new mechanics but I miss seeing Will!! and would've loved to see Astrid, hopefully episode 5 will have them in a cutscene again

    Ok thanks. I’m pretty sure I probably played in 2018 then cause I think the cutscenes had voices, I guess. It seems longer than that tho lol. So I must have played the newer version. I’m not exactly sure how long ago it was I just know it was as soon as episode two came out because that was what was being heavily advertised. And I know at the time my kid was a toddler 🤣

    I think I’ll just give the Tales a try. I’ve had it since released but not played it yet. I just keep waiting because they keep releasing new things and I’m afraid to start, just to want to start back over a few weeks later.

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  17. Ohh the cougar is interesting! That’s going to apply to all the survival games not just the tales stuff, right? I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep it. When I played the Bear challenge, I was very anxious 😂 I think I hang out in the same regions too long for something like this 😭

  18. I first tried the long dark when it was on Xbox game pass years ago, when episode 2 first released. I bought the tales the day it released, also on Xbox.

    Typically I enjoy survival games on my computer, so I regret not getting it for that. At least (I think) I can play on my computer, through the Xbox, but I’ll have to use a controller so it isn’t really the same.

    In your opinion, would it be worth re-buying the game, that I’ve already paid for, just to have it on my computer? Is there anything different between the Xbox and PC versions that makes it better or worse? 

  19. 7 hours ago, hozz1235 said:


    Thank you! I did read that a while back but for some reason I must have forgot. I guess I’m just too excited. I saw 2024 and assumed it would be very soon 🤣 to be fair though a couple other games that I play are releasing more content over the summer and I guess I just thought this one was also. 

  20. 17 hours ago, mintietcatm said:

    I think they said late 2024, but keep in mind this is going to be a huge episode. So many loose ends to solve and stories to conclude.

    As a fellow wintermute lover, I'm very impatient for the episode, but I'm glad the team is taking its time to develop the conclusion this story deserves. Maybe while you wait you can replay  the pre-redux? it's fun to go back and see how much the story has improved 

    I’m not really sure what you mean by pre-redux? Are you saying that the story has been changed in the last 8 to 10 years? I played each episode as it came out so I don’t remember it anyway tbh. If it has been changed recently, I would definitely be interested in replaying it! 

  21. 15 hours ago, Pyroxene said:

    The streamer LMG says he won't expect it until February/March 2025

    Ok thanks! I heard it was supposed to be in 2024 so I wasn’t sure. OK well that’s good. At least I have time to finish my other game first that comes out in 2 weeks 😂 

  22. Does anyone have an idea when Wintermute EP5 will release? Like maybe the fall or winter of this year? Or even next year? Just an estimate is fine.

    I’ve had this game for a very very long time but I don’t play in between completing each episode so I would like to replay all of them right before EP5 releases. To be honest, I don’t even remember the first episode, it’s been so long since I’ve played it. The tales seem OK but Wintermute is my favorite!

    I’m just finishing up a different game in a few days and considering going back to TLD but I’d really like a timeframe first. Thanks!