Cured Birch Hockeystick

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Posts posted by Cured Birch Hockeystick

  1. Milton is my Interloper retirement village!  Specifically, Milton Park - the area from the cliff-side office with no door to the Orca Gas Station.

    I don't reckon there is a nicer (or safer) place to retire.

    I don't move in until I've completed every Interloper "must-do" task. Once I've found all the necessary items, used the forge and have done all essential crafting, I relocate.  The climbing area office becomes my main hangout spot and base.  The Orca Gas Station is where I sleep at night, and where I hunker down during blizzards.

    Notable things...

    • The office building with the open door counts as "outside" for the Cabin Fever mechanic.
    • For long sleeps, Orca is safer than chancing it in the office building.
    • Both OGS and the office have fixed beds, so your bedroll won't get a lot of use.
    • There are more than enough sticks around, without having to venture too far.
    • Wolves are easy to manage - they never come up to the office building unless you do something to bring them there.  The only (low) wolf encounter risk is going down to the back door of the OGS to sleep, and a careful choice of path gives you decent sight lines and safety for that short trip.
    • By climbing down the nearby rope, there is at most one wolf between you and Trapper's in ML.  Small cave down there with a bit of coal.  Large transition cave with more coal.  The large cave is a shade lighter than pitch-black during the day - if you know it a bit, you can do the trip without needing a light source.  Trapper's has a workbench, is a safe bear-killing spot, sees many deer, and is visited by moose.
    • There is a way to go clockwise around the big rocky outcrop behind the office building - you can easily mountain-goat your way down to the levels leading to the waterfall.  That's the easiest way to the farmhouse (if you don't mind the wolves), and to the rope climbs to Milton Basin and FM beyond.
    • Avoid going near the town, unless you are actively trying to attract a wolf, eg. to have it kill a nearby deer.  On a sunny day, your magnifying glass plus a helpful wolf gets you a big old free feed.  The Milton Park area gives you plenty of opportunities for this - certainly enough to sustain a starvation diet.

    My best Interloper game has gone past 700 days now, based in Milton Park.  I can live using very few resources, trotting between OGS and the office.  Both places are stuffed full of stored goodies.  In that game, I am not short of anything.  I stretched it to 700 days to kind of prove a point to myself, to see just how low I could get "wear and tear", whether I could get enough food using nothing but a magnifying glass, etc.

    I stopped playing that one due to the insane boredom issues with it, and kicked off various new Interloper games.  But whenever I got to "engame" point, guess what?  I always gravitated to Milton Park, and retired to the "easy" life on that cliff!



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