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Posts posted by Ohioastro

  1. I have to say that the changes to the wolf AI have been very much for the worse.  It is exceedingly difficult to cook meat over an outdoor fire without drawing wolves from halfway across the map (in Stalker).  Having done a number of runs using Jackrabbit Island as a base, it is new (and unwelcome) to have wolves climbing to the top of the hill when cooking outside.  They also tend to glitch out running because you're adjacent to the building. This isn't making it "harder" - they attack the rabbits on the island, killing them for me and then getting shot themselves - but it is making the already annoying all-wolves-all-the-time aspect worse.  More generally, it's a severe handicap for any maps / locations where you need to cook outside - Forlorn Muskeg is borderline unplayable without committing wolf genocide for me.

    If we absolutely have to have this really unwelcome AI change, it would be useful to have some toggle controlling the wolf reaction radius or the like.  Better yet, allow badges in custom games so that we can turn them way down, or off, and still make progress towards long term goals.  It seems more than a little off that I can earn achievements on thee easiest game setting, but not if I change any of the dials to make it harder.

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