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Posts posted by unclebeer

  1. On 4/18/2020 at 6:42 AM, Paphalophagus said:

    You can save the game anytime you want just by going to the radial menu, hitting the campfire (CAMPCRAFT), then hitting the deck of cards (PASS TIME) and pass time for an hour. No bedroll required.

    Sure you loose an hour but it saves the game. Just make sure you're not in a position to get attacked.

    Of course I'm sure you know you can save by exiting and entering a building. No time loss either.


    Game saves on a sprain too, right?  Maybe I can work around this.  Sprains are easy.

  2. On 4/17/2020 at 11:06 PM, Archonax said:

    Give 'GameSave Manager' a try -- it's free and has the ability to back up your game saves (including The Long Dark) automatically at intervals. This way, you could set your TLD save to be backed up every X minutes, so that if you fall asleep and wind up dying you can 'restore' an earlier backup from before you died.

    Thanks, I may try this at some point.  I'm hesitant though because of slippery-slopism.  "What?  That wolf shouldn't have been out in the blizzard!  Reload!"  Bad habit to get into.

  3. On 4/13/2020 at 5:42 AM, exeexe said:

    If you want to not die from inaction just do something

    If you want to sleep just turn off computer and go to sleep

    Good plan!  "Well, let's see, I *might* get tired and nod off sometime in the next 3 or 4 hours.  Guess I'll just shut the computer down and go to bed after supper."

    • Upvote 1
  4. On 4/9/2020 at 8:48 PM, Archonax said:



     Sit still watching a bear move across the pond for [a few] minutes? Whoops, paused! Watch the sunrise without moving? Whoops, paused! Severe immersion breaker at its worst.

    Which is why most accessibility options are toggleable...

  5. On 4/9/2020 at 1:42 AM, Hochleistungsfaultier said:

    But what is so hard about pressing "Esc" once before you leave your PC...

    Also, playing until your fatigue overwhelms you isn't a good lifestyle. You might consider changing it.


    This has absolutely nothing to do with pressing escape before you leave your PC.  This is about falling asleep while playing and losing an entire run because of the way this game handles saving.

    And dispensing unsolicited "lifestyle" advice based on your own assumptions can really make you look like an ass.  You might consider changing this behavior.  I couldn't care less about your approval of my lifestyle.
    Some people take medication that may make them drowsy.  Some people bust their ass all day long and unwind by playing games in the evening.  Some people have medical conditions that cause them to fall asleep.  I belong to one of these categories every day and a second one ~some~ days.



  6. On 4/13/2020 at 1:03 PM, ajb1978 said:

    Only if it were optional, and the default setting is off.  

    Naturally.  It wouldn't even necessarily prevent death.  I mean if I'm nodding off, half a map away from a sleeping spot, I have to make the decision to pause the game and let the computer run till morning, or give up and die.  I get that.  I've even started carrying parasitic meat so I can force a save if I know I'm too tired to make it back. 

    But if I have enough HP to stand inside a building with zero keyboard or mouse movement for 15 or 20 minutes, I think that's pretty obvious that I'm not making an in-game mistake, I'm drooling on myself on the couch.


  7. Please, I'm desperate.  ALL of my runs over the last month have ended with me falling asleep at the wheel, and waking up at the stats screen post-death.  Maybe if you're standing there slowly freezing/starving to death without any keyboard/mouse input over 5 or 10 minutes you could just snap into the pause menu or something.  

    • Upvote 4
  8. Noobish dude here, 400 hours into the game.  Picked up the game on steam right after redux.  Still learning and yes, I'm enjoying the Broken Ankle update.

    I mostly play interloper, and sometimes I stream at twitch.tv/dudequixote