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Posts posted by Viking

  1. On 2/11/2018 at 6:21 PM, dmartin1982 said:

    Understatement.   That is the word I would use to describe so much of what I love about this game.  From the watercolor graphics, to the music, and even to the process of slowly freezing to death—it possesses a simple, understated elegance from top to bottom.


    On 3/11/2018 at 1:34 AM, Morrick said:

    Very, very well put, @dmartin1982. I agree wholeheartedly. For me, The Long Dark is a welcome change in this landscape of 'supercharged' games where you're overwhelmed with things to do, missions, quests, etc.; things to pay attention to (overcrowded HUDs and controls); enemies to shoot…

    You are both very right in this. Since I wrote my post in this thread, I've thought a bit more on the subject, and in terms of the "meta-enjoyables" of this game it comes down to 2 things:

    1. The aesthetic of the game - as @dmartin1982 mentioned, the graphics, the understated (and beautiful) musical score. I'm not sure I would have loved the game as much, and certainly not in the same way, had it had the hyper-realistic graphics and full-on symphony orchestra of a triple-A produced game. Don't get me wrong, there sure are beautiful vistas in, say, Read Dead 2, but I don't think it could ever beat the experience I had moving base from CH to ML one early morning, seeing this view (hit the wrong button, so not highres, sorry). It just doesn't grab you the same way, when you are thrown straight back into the shooty-kills. In The Long Dark, you get to enjoy these quiet moments in a way few games allow. 

    2. Very few game designers know how to make a game better by taking elements away - but it is the core of this game, and it works so well. From the lack of a map function (in the sense of a constant "you-are-here"-functionality, at least), to the extremely clean HUD and the lack of aiming help with bows and rifles, The Long Dark works because you as a player (not as the player character) have to remember where you are, and you have to practice to be effective at hunting for food. I wish more games would take this approach, instead of overloading us with hints and map icons and aiming aids and whatnot. 




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  2. 18 minutes ago, stapeliad said:

    Are we a paranoid bunch or what?

    TWO WORDS:  "Fire" and "yet" and we move into caves thinking structures are going to burn down.

    Hinterland must be laughing so hard at that one.

    See what those wolves did to our heads?

    Yeah, feel like bit of an idiot tbh :D But if it hadn't been for the fear of the fire, I would've sat in CO all day 3 and 4, and I'm glad I didn't!

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  3. 13 minutes ago, reginaphalange said:

    One the clock runs out I'm going to try to get to the lake cabins....  but surely I'll die lol.

    You never know - I made it all the way back to CH again, looting some houses I missed on day 1 :)

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Cr41g said:

    I really hope we get the opportunity to do this again soon, but with some changes. Don't tell us what's coming... force us to plan for EVERYTHING !! ....then throw it all at us... even if it means running two event levels... one for the more experienced and another for casual gamers... hell I would play both. 


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  5. 14 minutes ago, reginaphalange said:

    This is me in "decent, not great" gear standing next to 10-hour fire in upper camp office....

    I think we worried too much. :D

    Screenshot from 2018-10-31 08-16-14.png

    I think you might be right :) As long as you have firewood, you'll make it no problem. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, reginaphalange said:

    No pies in my camp office. Maybe it's because I had pots set down on all cooking surfaces.....

    I wonder if my in-the-cave save is walkable to the lake cabins... maybe there's pie there.

    I had searched all the cabins prior to day 4, and upon revisiting them found no pies. No pie either at Trapper's, which I hadn't searched.

    Maybe they won't spawn once you're done? Was hoping to post a few locations for those in need. Also, I wanted a slice of pie, dammit! :)

  7. 37 minutes ago, JAFO said:

    That's pretty much my feeling on it.. once I've got my 2 hours in the bag, I'll see if I can make it from Trapper's to the Camp Office.. and maybe beyond.


    Doing the reverse run now, thought I'd try to map out some pie locations for those that need them. Never spent much time in nighttime snowstorms before, should be interesting :)

    EDIT: Made it... did you leave the lights on, @JAFO? ;)


  8. Aaaaand, there it is! :D:D Suddenly feeling a lot braver now, think I'll go enjoy the storm for a bit ;)

    To the fine folks at Hinterland, thank you so much for a great event! While I hope you tweek it a bit for next year, to force us to be a bit more brave, it has been a great experience! As others have mentioned, it has livened up both the game and the boards. While I have been actively playing the game for a long time, this event brought me into the community here on the forums, and I know I'm not the only one. Also, I hope we don't have to wait for haloween '19 for another event like this ;)

    Good luck to everyone on the last day!



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  9. 15 minutes ago, Viking said:

    Just started my run, all is quiet in my cave in ML, slight snowfall, but no blizzard.... yet. I am just gonna be standing at the back of my cave with my coffee and my rifle, feeding the fire - hope you all make it through :)

    Oh wow, the blizzard arrived, and away from the fire it feels like -5C - even in this gear (all 98-100%)



  10. Just started my run, all is quiet in my cave in ML, slight snowfall, but no blizzard.... yet. I am just gonna be standing at the back of my cave with my coffee and my rifle, feeding the fire - hope you all make it through :)

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  11. I will answer by sharing a story: I consider myself a halfway veteran in this game (500+ hours, though nearly half in easy mode), and lately I have been playing mostly on stalker. Wanting to just enjoy the sights for a change of pace, I started a game on voyageur, in one of my favourite locations: Desolation Point. I start out at the north entrance to Abandoned Mine No. 5, and make my way through both the processing plant and the Riken on my first day, gathering some better cothes and a bit of gear - but no tools or weapons except for the pry bar (I left the hammer and the hacksaw at the Riken, so I could do some crafting before heading to CH). I didn't do the cave at the top of the map, thinking I'd come back for it, so no rifle either. Between the Riken and the Lighthouse I get surprised by a wolf, and having only the pry bar for defense, he takes a good chunk out of me before I manage to fight him off. Down more than 50% condition, I weigh my options for a moment: return to the Riken and lick my wounds, or press on? "It's only voyageur" I think to myself, patch my wounds and pop some pills and head on. Climbing up the snow bank to the path to the Lighthouse I get jumped again - this time by 2 of the buggers. First one runs off quick, but the second one kills me. 

    I laugh this off to bad luck and start a new game, same place, same difficulty. This time I start on the other end of the map, and by day 2 I am nearing the processing plant when a snow storm sets in. I make it to the plant no problem - but I left most of the scavenged food on the Riken, since I'd be heading back there after. Hungry (but not starving) before settling down for the night in the plant, I eye my options. A 20% can of peaches, and an MRE in good nick. I really wanted to save that MRE for a rainy day, so I chance the peaches. Bad decision - "Aaauuuwww, my stomach". I check my inventory - no antibiotics. Snow storm outside, and night setting in. Average clothes, won't last long out there. I sleep in increments as long as I dare, but the storm keeps blowing, and now my condition is dire. I'll have to chance it. Trying to think of where the closest source of Reishi mushrooms is, I head past the entrance and up onto the slope. I managed to get my 'shrooms - but I died trying to find a place to cook them.

    So, my favourite thing about TLD in 5 words: This Game Punishes Poor Decisions :P

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