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Posts posted by JohnnyTheHun

  1. First things first: thanks for this wonderful game, it's the only game apart from FTL I've played for a long time.

    I would also put my voice behind this issue. Putting an option for this might not be such a big task and you could please a few gamers.

    I finished ep. 1&2 when it came out and haven't played until ep. 3 came out a few months ago. In the good old days using the map often and trying to locate yourself was immersive in itself. Getting lost in a blizzard not knowing where the hell you are was fun too.

    Now a blizzard doesn't really bother me. All I have to do is check where the cursor is at the map. Am i going in the wrong direction? Just check the map. It's getting late, should i go out? No problem, I can get back whenever I wish since the cursor will guide me. Etc.

    For all you "don't use the map then" voicers: there are a few of us who eat the chocolate whenever it is put in front of them.

    Crack on!

  2. Received the following answer from support:

    Unfortunately that's a very subjective question. Upgrading your CPU will generally help launch the game faster, as well as load zones. Upgrading your GPU will generally provide a higher frame rate. This could be bottlenecked by other hardware you currently have installed though. So I suppose the most diplomatic answer to this question would be: If you use better hardware, you should see better performance.

    If you are curious about how Unity approaches multi-threading (I'm basing this off of the link you provided), I think that would be a question better addressed with Unity or on their forums.

    I hope that was at least somewhat helpful!

    Hinterland Support

  3. Hi Raph,

     I recall you said multiple times that the pressure in giving all five episodes for free is bigger than anticipated. I think I am not alone when I say I very much like your game and the episodes from the day they were released. There might be quite a good few people who would be willing to donate a couple of dollars if they felt giving all episodes away for free is too big a pressure on your company.  Have you been thinking about adding a 5-10-15-20 $ donation option whenever a new episode or this Halloween special comes out? 

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