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Posts posted by JanoS

  1. @xanna -- you can cancel harvesting. You just don't get anything out of it. Very dangerous if you harvest 10kg in one go.

    My microharvesting tips:

    Let's say you have a 2.3kg carcass. Select maximum quantity (2.3kg), then press left arrow four times (2.3 -> 1.8 -> 1.3 -> 0.8 -> 0.3) and harvest first 0.3kg.

    Carcass has 2.0kg remaining, and you stil have 0.3kg remaining. Click harvest again. Carcass has 1.7kg. Select maximum and click left 3 times (1.7 -> 1.2 -> 0.7 -> 0.2) and continue pressing HARVEST button 8-9 more times.

    Voila you just got 11 steaks out of 2.3kg animal.

    Rounding errors can cheat you out of last 100g of meat, so if you need every last gram, don't leave 0.1kg remainig, but harvest the whole carcass as final action.

    You cannot ever exit out of harvesting, or the slider gets reset to 0.5kg again.

  2. You can sort-of microharvest by playing with quantity of meat. First select maximum by clicking the right arrow many times, then click the left arrow until you get minimum. 


    Example for 1.2kg rabbit: 0 > 0.5 > 1 > 1.2 < 0.7 < 0.2

    Then you can continue harvesting 0.2kg steaks many times.
    So if you find a deer with 4.1kg of meat, you can harvest 41 steaks.

  3. I lost two transmitters -- PV and FM. Was pretty annoying as I spent several Aurora nights hopeless wandering around the cache locations, getting no signals, just wolf bite marks on my body.

    Second bug that plagues my game are missing memento hints that should be in cars when you flip a visor. They are all gone.

  4. On 2/16/2023 at 9:44 AM, JanoS said:

    I used capsule to went back to 2.01 on my Mac to continue Survival save.

    Now when the game starts it is called "2.03 104498 S TLD-STORYSPLIT-MAC DEBUG" and does not offer Survival at all, just story.

    I did the same on Windows, and there it works. By using capsule password I got proper 2.01 version that can play my old saves.

    So it seems the capsule system is broken on Mac for 2.01