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Posts posted by VociferousRex

  1. Snapping the necks of rabbits.

    Before you write me off as a serial killer in the making, let me explain.
    Just after the Faithful Cartographer update came out, I picked up a handful of rocks (because I could) and threw them (because I could).  Then I read the description and noticed that it said it would stun a small animal.  Just so happened that I was in one of the rabbit spawn areas.  I tried doing some realistic throws and missed every time.  So I said to hell with it and just ran up to the first rabbit I saw and started throwing rocks.  I was really surprised when I hit one...not nearly as surprised as when I picked it up.
    I was confused as to whether or not I'd actually killed it and then the animation continued past the initial scoop off the ground.  Now I'm staring into the face of this rabbit wondering, "Why is my hand behind its head?  Am I going to pet this thing?  That doesn't seem right..."  And then the release/kill options popped up.  (Did I mention I'm playing with my child sitting next to me?)  I'm still a bit frustrated from earlier, it's only been a few seconds, so I'm not about to release my prize.  So I choose "Kill"...  And my son screamed.  In fairness, so did I...just not for the same reason.  (His was disgust, mine was morbidly dark amusement.)  So now I'm in my living room with my son covering his face in disgust... and I'm cackling like a mad woman.  I did not expect that.

    Well, that took an unexpected turn...
    So did his neck.

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