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Posts posted by ponyhidden

  1. Do you plan on reworking the hunger system? Currently my survivor is starving 99% of the game, with the majority of my meals being right before bed so I can heal off the tiny starving damage. At the same time, if you made starving more punishing, it'd be harder to accumulate enough food since you go hungry fairly quickly.

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  2. Very first sandbox, don't beat me up for this

    I had survived 36 days, was currently camping out in the dam. Was planning on visiting the camp office, so I went outside and subsequently got attacked by a wolf. Went back inside the dam and went to sleep for a while (not noticing the first aid warning in the bottomleft telling me to bandage my blood loss).

    After waking up and righting that wrong, I somehow mistook raw meat for cooked meat and got food poisoning. Thought you had to rest to heal it, so I slept at least 4 hours before I realized you had to take antibiotics first. Ow.

    Another rest. For whatever reason, at around 20% condition with night setting in I thought it'd be a good idea to go outside and get firewood. Two wolves show up, I try to run from them then notice I'm encumbered.

    I turned around to see one of the wolves charging me. I shoot my rifle at him and miss.


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