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Posts posted by justjokingnot

  1. I have so many oh my lord

    This is especially fitting when I'm walking in a creepy area, plus I just really enjoy this song.

    I listen to a lot of older music while I play, if you've played any fallout game then I'll point you towards the radio stations in the games. I'm used to trekking wastelands with the inkspots and marty robbins playing in the background lol

    Good traveling music :)

    And I tend to associate the game with the music from a band called Shel, they have some very haunting songs.

  2. I think it can only be summed up by my first experience on Timberwolf Mountain, going exploring after setting up shop in the Mountaineers hut and having to essentially hibernate in the closest caves until I could find my way back after getting caught out in a storm and realizing how very, very lost I was. The sense of accomplishment really caught on when I was camped out in my second cave, sleeping, keeping the fire going and occasionally running out into the storm just for sticks and hopefully food. It felt like I was just going through one night when in fact I was in the cave for two in game days and had gotten by on tea and water (I did make it back, that save is still going actually :D) It makes the title of the game more significant to me, knowing that some days it really is a very long dark.