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Posts posted by Sinthoras

  1. While handguns and shotguns would be cool my #1 request is that they make maybe 20-30% of the rifles spawn with scopes for two reasons: 1) The current iron sights are very difficult to get used to 2) I love rare loot

    While I am not asking for weapons or ammo to become any more common, it would be cool to add a bit of progression with weapons, to make it more like clothing progression.

    For example, with clothing it often goes something like Vest -> Ski Jacket -> Winter coat -> Wolfskin Coat and there is a gradual progression.

    With weapons it is more or less a checkmark box: Rifle or No Rifle. I would just love for there to be some rarer, incrementally better firearms to add excitement to the game. It's one more reason to actually WANT to explore the whole world rather than set up camp in one area.

    In essence, it always feels great to find better gear, so why not add a few more tiers? Not saying I want to make the game easier, I would just love more exciting loot. They can start out by making worse, slightly more common versions of the rifle (Beat up Rifle, etc), making the current rifle more exciting to find for all I care, I just love variety