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Posts posted by Berniyh

  1. On 4/12/2022 at 5:28 AM, ImaginaryAlpaca said:

    It's incredibly annoying when you can't carry much, get weighed down too easily, can't run for long.

    What do you mean can't carry much? In standard condition, you can carry 30 kg, that's not that little in such a hard environment (keep in mind that wandering through snow in real life is very exhausting). And actually with boni (moose satchel and well-fed) you can carry 40 kg without penalties. In that case, you can even do rope-climbing in game with 40 kg of added weight, which is actually kind of hilarious. ^^

    Sure, I too am sometimes annoyed that I have to leave this and that behind, but that'll always be the case. Even if you could carry 60 or 80 kg, you would still be complaining, because you can carry everything around. IMO, the game is well-balanced in this regard, the 30-40 kg is a good limit.

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  2. I, too, think that there are too many wolves around Blackrock in Episode 4.

    Don't get me wrong, I can manage the wolves just fine. By now, I even have enough gear (around 50 revolver rounds, plus 20 rifle rounds and a lot of flares, flare shells and noisemakers) that I don't have to fear facing them, so it's not about that.

    For me, The Long Dark is more about the wandering around, collecting resources, and – in case of the story mode – solving puzzles, finding survivors etc. Episode 3 already was a bit different with the new (in Wintermute) timberwolves, but there it was imo well balanced. You had to face the packs from time to time, especially when rescuing the crash survivors, but there also was a lot of "off" time, where you could relax, TLD-style. And after some time, you learn how the wolve packs move around the map, so you can avoid them better.

    Blackrock however is different. There are wolves everywhere and there are a lot of them. Like, crazy lot. So many, that too me it feels totally clinical, meaning they couldn't find a better way to make this challenging than just filling the map with more and more wolves. And personally, it really turns me off the game, I'm really frustrated and annoyed by the wolves. Not, because I can't cope with them, but because this really isn't the game I signed up for.

    Interestingly, when I have a problem with them it's usually a regular one and not one of the timberwolves. The latter, you can quite easily keep in check using the noise makers, but for some reason, at least sometimes, the regular ones seem to ignore them. I had multiple situations where I was attacked by a pack of timberwolves and made them flee using noisemakers, but the regular one that was close by ignored all of that and attacked me. Now, maybe you pros can easily distinguish the different types, but personally, at a short glance, I cannot tell if this is a regular wolf or a timberwolf. And if you can't tell, you're going to be in trouble, because the timberwolves won't stop growling and running into you (or rather close by) even when there scared.

    I was close to stopping my playthrough, but I think I'll pull through, got more than half anyway, I think. But you can be sure that I'll never set foot into that stupid region in any of my (survival) playthroughs ever again. I've clearly had enough of it … In any case, I'll be very glad when Episode 4 is over and I'm pretty sure that, in contrast to the previous episodes, I'll never look back. Hope they don't mess up the final episode as well. :/

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