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Posts posted by colzboppo

  1. Just wanted to add my 2c and echo the sentiment on excluding tales from interloper. 

    Like many veteran players and content creators, interloper mode is the staple game mode for us.

    Playing in other modes to experience new content rather than enjoying it in our current save and any future runs I would choose to start is not an option for me. Voyager/Stalker/Pilgrim modes are too easy, offer too much loot, and the use of guns trivialises the challenge to survive in such a bleak world and so it holds little interest to me to play. Working around with custom modes is not acceptable, I wish to stay true to the pure experience of loper that the devs hoped for.

    Having eagerly purchased the DLC in support of hinterlands continued effort into creating content, I am now unable to enjoy one of the key content features in this new patch. I am honestly gutted as I would have likely continued playing and exploring in my current loper run that managed to reach FA. I don't think I will be doing this now, every single previous content patch has released something new to find and an area in which to explore to get it, including in interloper mode. We are given the reason to exclude it as it being against the spirit of loper game mode, so it's an intentional design choice rather than a technical limitation they could not work around. 

    Really disappointed about this choice, and it will mean a. I regret buying the DLC, and b. I will not play the new DLC until it is resolved, or at all in the future. 

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