my observations and recommendations


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Start with... I like this game. It is awesome! :D

1 - wolves hunt in packs. 2-8. Also they should range around and not be in set spawn areas. Only one pack per map

2 - bears hibernate in the dead of winter. Add polar bears but make them much larger and stronger if you need bears. Only should be one in map.

3 - Why is there no compass to find? I would make a compass an option. I dont need maps but a compass would be nice. In houses and on dead bodies.

4 - A wind up watch -- why does this not exist? Definitely would be on many of those dead bodies.

5 - I would like to not press tab as often to see my current condition. Could an option be made to dock a resizable current condition screen wherever I want?

--- add effects and comment on current

-------- for warmth shivering that gets worse and worse as you get colder - teeth chattering noise

-------- for hunger, stomach growling, dizziness (can wobble screen and make character not walk straight), love his complaining when he is really hungry :D

-------- fatigue -- slower walking, more pronounced breathing, just like is there currently

-------- thirst -- different levels of bitching about how thirsty you are is good. I like the way the character complains :)

6 - why are there so many dead bodies? I should be able to drag them away from where I live.

7 - as others mentioned -- spears & clubs. We used those before bows as self defense from bears, wolves, etc.

8 - how is it possible to dehydrate in less than one day if you are asleep for half of it? Dehydration and thirst mechanic needs some work I think.

9 - the corpses you have should look different. Make multiple models. Naked, semi clothed (multiple levels - toggleable hat, boots, pants, jacket, shirt, scarf), fully clothed. It makes no sense for me to waste a lot of time searching a body when a quick glance would tell me that it doesnt have clothes or boots. If it has those things then you need to just make levels of wear that result in different amounts of materials harvested.

10 - should be able to craft snow shoes, as some have said, for increased movement. Only needs gut, hide, saplings.

11 - shovels. Think things could be done here with them.

12 - candles. seriously no candles? Every house in cold areas has a supply of emergency candles as well as that lantern.

Vanity addition - mirror would be cool to see how gnarly we are getting. Longer beard, hair, grubiness, gaunt as the days pile up.

That is all I can think of now.

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These are some pretty cool suggestions. A lot of what you said I'm sure will show up in later updates, such as multiple corpse apperance and wolf packs. It is just an alpha version so far. Spears and clubs would be cool, but they'd have to make an equip option, and I think they are trying to avoid that.

Although I'd love if we could equip our hatchets. And I would love even more so if we could damage our enviroment. Like carve a chunk out of a tree so you can find your way back when exploring.

I also think corpses should have more, half the ones I search have nothing.

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