More weapons


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I feel as though the game could be improved by having more weapons. For example I think the hatchet should be a weapon that you can equip as well as other weapons that you gather in your environment.

Maybe in terrible situations you pull a icicle form the rocks and you can use that as a weapon, however you may catch frozen fingers when using it.

You could also add in an ice pick which can be found only on a dead body and it can be used as both a weapon and a tool for climbing if you want a view over the whole area.

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i like the idea for taking an icicle for a minor weapon if needed. i much prefer the idea of the ice pick for more universal reasons. perhaps it can be used on frozen lakes to make a quick fishing hole, or open one faster.


i like the idea of more tools to weapon ideas, however i would like to see the ability to craft some ammo for a rifle, more guns/rifles, and being able to get your spent bullet from a kill.

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