PuntaKill's wish list.


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I have thought of a few things and I'm sure some of not all have already been mentioned.

1. I feel like there are too many first aid items findable in the game. I play on voyageur and it seems like I'm always finding first aid supplies to the point where I have to just drop a bunch of it. This is a little bit picky I know. But you start out with most first aid supplies most of the time so I've never felt an urgency to need to find them.

2. A small limit (2-4) multi-player feature in the sand box mode. I've seen this mentioned before and I love the idea.

3. Snow accumulation. Areas where snow accumulates and the player needs snowshoes to walk faster. I know this would probably just add more aggravation to the game so it might take away from the fun and playability so I'm not sure if this is a good idea.

4. Seasonal change. I don't think this happens but maybe it does. Haven't lasted longer than 43 days so... The days of course get a lot shorter during the winter and way colder. Less animal activity. You would kinda have to stock up on meat for the winter and what not. Be able to pack raw meats in snow to keep them fresh etc.

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