Early game hunting


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We already can do that of course, the only thing we need is some stones scattered here and there, but I would still like more ways to hunt early on in my runs.


A nice way to change things up would be a diffrent way to use or make snares. The snares should have a easier crafting recipe, that wouldnt include guts, to make it usable for your first week, so in addition, a option to make a snare with wires would also be welcome. 

Rabbit holes:

With a addition of these small burrows we could do some intresting things. These small holes would appear in rabbit groves that we already have. It would make using snares easier, just put one above the hole and If a rabbit Goes in or out, it chokes and leaves you with a meal. Also, if a rabbit runs away, by any reason, it will make its way to its den, so a tactic of setting up a snare and scaring the rabbit into running to its death could be implemented. And a mechanic of a wolf smelling a hiding rabbit and trying to get it would also be a nice wildlife interaction

A rabbit stick:1720784182.thumb.jpg.bc2a0f5beeb84b3c0f2cdadadbc7977b.jpg

Its a primitive tool, used to hunt small game. You can use it from a impressive distance, by throwing it from a far and letting it glide through the air, ultimately hitting a rabbit or ptarmigan with enough force to kill or stun it for a while. It would aggro a wolf if aimed, and would scare it off if thrown, it could also be used in struggles, but wouldnt be too effective.

A slingshot:Slingshot_(weapon).thumb.png.154698657c7c6bb28f11c4bc8a74a231.png

A tool well known to most people, it is actually a strong tool for primitive hunts on small game, it would make stones hit much harder and from a bigger distance, killing small game and spooking medium sized animals

Fire hardened arrows:

We already have them in the game, and they are awesome for hunting small critters, but they should realistically be able to badly wound a animal if shot in the right area, many primitive cultures used fire hardened Arrow tips to hunt big game, before they had access to flint arrowheads. My idea is they wouldnt be as good as the base arrows, but they should deal a set ammount of damage without bleed.

There are also many more things to cover, but these ideas should be enough to concider

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